Attractions in Washington: photos, entertainment. Amusement parks in Washington

Attractions in Washington DC

The capital of the United States, Washington, is a special place. This city is a completely independent administrative unit. Traditionally, Washington is popular with tourists who prefer museums, parks and cultural centers more than active entertainment, so in this regard, the city may seem very boring to them. Indeed, it has absolutely nothing to do with the usual resorts, where everything is created to please the tourist. However, almost 700 thousand people live here, who are probably having fun somewhere. Therefore, it is better to properly look for attractions in Washington and there will certainly be such.

National zoo

In general, it bears little resemblance to traditional entertainment spots. However, every visitor to the city should visit this huge zoo first of all. All pavilions here are made in such a way that animals feel as at ease as possible. So, having come here, tourists can see not hunted animals, stupefied by the stench and stuffiness of cramped cages, but real wild animals that frolic in the vast meadows and groves.

The main entertainment in the park is feeding the animals. Moreover, the latter are so accustomed to human attention that they even learned various tricks in order to lure out more food. Opening hours 10.00 - 18.00 (April to October) and 10.00 - 17.00 from November to March. the entrance is free.

Elevated Sportz

Typical resting place for townspeople. However, tourists who know about him will always be welcome here as well. There are jogging tracks, sports grounds, gyms, as well as a mini-amusement park with slot machines. You can pay for services either in cash or by credit card.

It should only be noted that this place is more intended for family recreation, therefore, most of the attractions are designed for children and adolescents. Has its own website with detailed descriptions, photo galleries and the ability to book tickets and order various shows and parties

Family fun center

Another place of entertainment for locals, which is perfect for tourists with at least fluency in English. In total, this amusement park offers the following: baseball and basketball courts; bowling; races on inflatable pancakes in the pool; kart racing; electric car battles; jumping on a trampoline; 5D cinema. However, this is not a complete list yet. More information can be found at

Photos of attractions in Washington DC