Treatment in Georgia - prices. Medical resorts of Georgia

Treatment in Georgia

In order to spend your vacation rich and informative, there are all conditions in Georgia. There is sun and sea, mountains and ancient temples, excellent restaurants and the unfailing hospitality of the locals. And the country is also rich in mineral springs, on the basis of which sanatoriums and health resorts have been opened, and therefore treatment in Georgia is an equally interesting alternative to distant and expensive European resorts..

Important rules

Going to Georgia for treatment, you have to choose a resort with the most suitable medical programs for a particular patient. The local combination of therapeutic factors allows you to achieve excellent therapeutic results even in a short time..

The system of training medical personnel in Georgian sanatorium complexes has been and remains at the highest level. The latest achievements of spa treatment have been introduced in the health resorts of Georgia in recent years quite intensively and are successfully combined with the good old traditions of past generations..

How do they help here?

Nature itself has prepared ideal conditions for treatment in Georgia. The combination of a climate favorable for the course of many diseases with the healing mountain air, dozens of thermal and mineral springs, healthy food, bright sun and warm sea are the main healing factors, thanks to which patients of local health resorts forget about diseases..

Methods and achievements

The resorts of Georgia are divided into several types, each of which specializes in the treatment of a certain range of diseases:

  • Balneological health resorts are located on the sea coast or a short distance from the sea in the mountains. The main remedies are sea, sun and mineral waters. Indications - skin pathologies and respiratory problems, and the most popular resorts - Batumi and Nunisi.
  • Borjomi and Sairme are balneoclimatic resorts at an altitude of 1000 meters above sea level. They are famous for their mineral waters, healing air and are indicated for the treatment of almost all known diseases..
  • At the mountain-climatic resorts of Kiketi and Tsagveri, thin mountain air helps to cope with asthma.
  • Alpine Bakuriani and Shovi are ideal places for getting rid of diseases of the lymphatic system, neurasthenia and closed form of tuberculosis.

Issue price

One day of stay in a sanatorium with three meals a day and the opportunity to undergo treatment will cost an average of $ 100. Treatment in Georgia will be more expensive or cheaper, depending on the type of room and the chosen program. Prices for additional consultations of specialists are about $ 20 per appointment, the cost of analyzes and research is from $ 10 to $ 50, depending on the type of the recommended diagnostic method.
