Beaches of New Zealand: photos, videos. The best sandy beaches in New Zealand

New Zealand beaches

New Zealand is vast expanses and magnificent views, thousands of kilometers of wonderful beaches with untouched nature, stretching along the entire coast. In search of the perfect vacation, an inquisitive tourist who loves to discover everything new for himself will choose entertainment according to his interests on any New Zealand beach.

Do you want to ride a board, cutting the depths of the sea day and night? Catch the wave! Or maybe you want a quiet family vacation on the best sandy beaches? No problem! The most difficult question for a tourist is not the money that he can spend on vacation, but the place where it is best to do it..

There is a certain rating of the best beaches in New Zealand, based on which you can plan your ideal vacation..

  • The most famous Karekare beach will plunge you into the atmosphere of the pristine beauty of nature, the grandeur of the rocks and cliffs washed by the sea. And the contrast of landscapes created by cold rocks and green hills is eye-catching. Tearing yourself away from observing the beach part and going deeper, you will see the amazing waterfall of the same name with the beach, happily babbling in the emerald forest. A tourist here will not be able to be bored alone, because frolicking seals and seals will completely attract his attention and dispel boredom. And for those who love surfing, not far from Karekare is Piha Beach, known among wave lovers for the best «platform» for surfing.
  • Calm, serene and secluded from the raging life, Allance Beach is located in the small town of Dunedin. It will be especially liked by animal lovers, because they are visible and invisible on the open spaces of the beach. Often you have to look under your feet so as not to accidentally step on a lying seal. And watching the behavior of penguins in love, who gather in flocks near this quiet place, you involuntarily think that animals are able to love just like people.
  • A complete detachment from civilization will take place on the New Chums beach, hidden from the eyes of people. It is very difficult to reach it, but the effort is worth it. Snow-white sand, clear water and endless space - these are the components of an ideal holiday.

The best time to visit the beaches of New Zealand is summer, which coincides with our January. It is at this time of the year that Christmas trees bloom everywhere - pohatukavs, attractive for their bright fruits and unusual shaped leaves..

Photos of New Zealand beaches