Capital of the Solomon Islands: map, photo. What is the capital city of the Solomon Islands?

Honiara - the capital of the Solomon Islands

The capital of the Solomon Islands, a city with an interesting name Honiara, serves as the administrative center of one of the provinces of the state. The province has the same hard-to-pronounce, but poetic name as the island - Guadalcanal, and is located in the eastern part. Climatic conditions, according to most tourists, are not very good. On the one hand, it is summer here all year round, it is very warm, on the other hand, the subequatorial climate provides high humidity.

During January - April, a large amount of precipitation falls, as the northwest monsoons come to power in the heavenly office. Then comes a relatively dry period. Such weather conditions lead to the rapid growth of rainforests, shrubs, grasses and flowers..

Pages of history

The indigenous inhabitants of the country - the Melanesians - at one time were significantly ousted by the Spaniards, who significantly expanded people's ideas about the world. Thanks to one of the Spanish navigators, a new toponym appeared on the map - the Solomon Islands. The name of this discoverer is Alvaro de Mendanya de Neira, and this significant event took place in the 16th century. Two hundred years later, the territories were ceded to Germany, another century later - to Great Britain..

The events of the last world war led to the fact that the Japanese landed on the islands, who were defeated by the British. Therefore, the territories again became an English colony. And only in 1978 the Solomon Islands received the right to independence, and Honiara simultaneously acquired the capital status.

Urban entertainment

In Honiara there is a place that is the center of attraction for guests of the capital, arriving for cultural or business purposes on the island. This is Point Cruise Marina. It was here, on this territory, that Spanish sailors left their first mark. So that all travelers following on their heels would know who the discoverer was, the Spaniards erected a cross on the shore. Naturally, after the centuries that have passed since that memorable moment, not a trace remained of the cross, but a wonderful city has grown.

There are few architectural attractions in the capital of the Solomon Islands, the main objects that attract the attention of tourists: a building with sitting local parliamentarians; an international airport that meets guests of the city and sees them off; National Museum of the Solomon Islands.

But the main attraction of this paradise is the gorgeous nature, and not only forests and beaches, but also amazing underwater landscapes, and the rich world of Neptune.
