Sri Lanka trains. Train tickets to Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka Trains

Sri Lanka Trains

The population of Sri Lanka uses the railway, minibuses and buses to move around the country. For long journeys, trains and buses are more suitable. The country's railway has an average length of about 1,447 km..

Sri Lanka's trains are a popular and affordable form of public transport. They run stably if there are no force majeure circumstances. Malfunctions in the operation of the railway system are mainly caused by natural factors: blockages, soil reclamation, etc. Repair of tracks takes place in the shortest possible time. Trains in Sri Lanka can be counted on as the most comfortable and reliable way to travel.

Specificity of the Sri Lankan Railway

The railway service is operated by the government company SLR («Sri Lanka Railways»). She is considered a railway monopoly in the state. The national railway network connects the commercial capital of the country with tourist centers and other localities. The tracks pass through scenic spots, especially the main railway line. She walks past beautiful forests, plantations and technological structures, including bridges.

The entire railway system is conventionally divided into three areas. The railway network consists of nine lines. Colombo Fort is considered the main junction station. Information on train traffic can be found on the website of the Sri Lankan State Railway: .

Train tickets

When planning a route, keep in mind that if the train goes through Colombo, then in this city you will need to change to another train. The time for such a docking should be taken into account. Train timetables in Sri Lanka can be found at Trains run between the main cities. Several trains run from Colombo to Kandy per day.

It is better to book first class tickets in advance, otherwise you may be left without a seat. Most of the local population prefers to use other classes, so the cars there are overcrowded.

Train ticket prices in Sri Lanka vary by class. There are three classes of seats on the trains. First class sleeper cars provide comfortable sleeping places. Such cars are preferred by wealthy citizens who need additional services and amenities. The cars of the third and second classes have minor differences between each other. There are also express trains and intercity trains in Sri Lanka. Private trains are designed for sightseeing travel around the country and are designed for wealthy passengers.


  • Sri Lanka Trains