Coat of arms of Syria: photo, meaning, description

Coat of arms of Syria

Coat of arms of Syria

The Middle East is giving the world community one unpleasant surprise after another. Political, economic and national conflicts are constantly flaring up, developing into armed clashes and wars. The fact that not everything is stable in the Middle East region can be indirectly evidenced by the coat of arms of Syria, which changes as often as the political situation in the country..

Description of the coat of arms

Currently, the main official symbol of the Syrian Arab Republic is the hawk of prey, the so-called Quraish hawk. He is depicted in gold color, on his chest there is a small shield, divided into three parts, painted in the colors of the national flag (emerald, white, black). Red stars are placed on the central white field.

The eagle's wings are open, the head is turned to the right. The last remark is very important, since during the reigns of various politicians and groups, the bird's head turned out to be turned either to the right or to the left..

On the one hand, the new ruling elite demonstrated loyalty to the course chosen by the country, on the other hand, argued that the new government requires the emergence of new symbols that will indicate changes in foreign and domestic policy..

And yet the hawk remains the unchanged character of all Syrian national symbols. You can see that in his paws is an emerald scroll, which contains the name of the country, written in Arabic. On the tail of the bird are two green ears of wheat.

An excursion into history

Until 1958, the Quraysh hawk also looked to the right, but was depicted in silver, the shield was large in size, also white (silver), the ribbon and wheat ears were golden.

The United Arab Republic (the union of Syria and Egypt) has led to the emergence of a new coat of arms. The bird remained, but received the name of Saladin's eagle, changed the color of the wings to black, and the rest of the plumage to gold, acquired very powerful legs and a pronounced formidable character. The coat of arms existed until 1972 (with a short break).

The Federation of Arab Republics (time of existence from 1972 to 1977) again returned the hawk, exactly the same as the current coat of arms, but made in a silver and gold scale.

The emergence of a new state on the map of the planet, the Syrian Arab Republic, made this coat of arms multi-colored, black, green, red, the colors of the national flag were added to the precious metals.
