Population of Tajikistan. Population in Tajikistan: features, density, composition

Population of Tajikistan

The population of Tajikistan is over 7 million.
Tajikistan is a multinational republic - here you can meet representatives of 80 nationalities.
National composition:
- Tajiks (80%);
- Uzbeks (16%);
- Kyrgyz (1%);
- Russians (1%);
- other nations (2%).
The motley ethnic composition of Tajikistan is due to the fact that throughout history, the Republic was constantly invaded, as a result of which various states were created or disintegrated on the territory of Tajikistan..
On average, 53 people live per 1 km2, but the population is unevenly distributed throughout the country: the lower sections of large rivers are densely populated, and the slopes and highlands are sparsely populated areas..
The state language is Tajik, and the language of interethnic communication is Russian. In addition, Uzbek and Kyrgyz stand out among the common languages..
Large cities: Dushanbe, Kulyab, Kurgan-Tyube, Khujand.
Residents of Tajikistan profess Islam (Sunni, Shi'ism), the Russian population professes Orthodoxy.

Life span

On average, residents of Tajikistan live up to 67 years.
The reason for the rather low life expectancy lies in malnutrition and inadequate treatment. According to research by the analytical organization The Social Progress Interactive, Tajikistan ranks 95th in the ranking of the population's access to food and medical services..
People's lives are carried away by heart disease, tuberculosis, acute infectious diseases (diphtheria, malaria, dysentery, poliomyelitis).
But still, the residents of Tajikistan have something to brag about - they are among the top three in terms of the least amount of alcohol consumed..

Traditions and customs of the inhabitants of Tajikistan

The Tajiks living on the plain have interesting wedding traditions. A Tajik wedding lasts 7 days: on the first day, the young people announce their marriage. The next day, both families host gala lunches and dinners, which last 3 days.
On the 5th day, in order to consolidate the union of the newlyweds with higher powers, the imam must conduct a ceremony (the young must take oaths to each other). After that, a great celebration begins with songs and dances. And on the 6th day, the relatives of the bride go to visit the groom and spend the night there - this is how the long wedding ceremony ends..
And according to the wedding ceremony of Tajiks living in the northern regions, the newlywed should be transported to her husband's house after sunset. In this case, the bride should be circled 3 times around the fire, built near the husband's house by the light of lighted torches..
If you decide to visit Tajikistan, you will not see anything artificial here - there are no highways, noisy megacities and there are no eternal neon advertisements..
Tajikistan is an ideal place for those who want to be alone with nature.
