Resorts of Tajikistan: photos, description

Resorts of Tajikistan

Resorts of Tajikistan

Not a very popular tourist destination for Russian travelers, Tajikistan, nevertheless, deserves the closest attention. The point is not only in the ancient minarets and architectural sights, which, like precious stones, are scattered on the streets of ancient Tajik cities. In the most mountainous of the CIS republics, there are amazing places for recreation, where natural beauty will compete with the amazing hospitality of local residents, and therefore it is unlikely that it will be possible to set priorities for yourself and highlight "what you like the most." You can fly to the resorts of Tajikistan at any time of the year, but the spring-summer season provides more opportunities and pleasures.

Water from the heart of the mountains

Situated most of its territory in the mountains, Tajikistan is rich in unique natural resources, including thermal and mineral waters. Health resorts and sanatoriums have been built on the local springs, which have now turned into popular resorts in Tajikistan:

  • "Hot water" is the meaning of the name of the Obigarm resort, in the sanatorium of which patients with cardiovascular pathologies undergo rehabilitation and treatment. In addition to mineral waters, the resort actively uses therapeutic mud from Muksinabad. Enriched with mineral salts, they contribute to the recovery of gynecological patients and the rehabilitation of athletes after injuries..
  • The nervous system after stress or a particularly hard working year can be put in order during even a short vacation spent in the Khatavag sanatorium. This resort in Tajikistan is famous for its healing thermal water, which also heals dermatitis and other skin pathologies..
  • The Shambari resort is located just half an hour's drive from the capital and local doctors specialize in diseases of the musculoskeletal system and blood vessels. The main healing factor in this resort in Tajikistan is the mineral thermal waters of a local source, used for baths, applications, massage and other pleasant procedures..
  • Metabolism and digestion are put in order at the Zumrad resort. This sanatorium is popular far beyond the borders of Tajikistan, and the fame of its specialists in the treatment of male and female infertility gave the resort the opportunity to enter the list of the best health resorts in Central Asia..

Useful little things

Before booking a tour to the resorts of Tajikistan, you should consult with your doctor and take your medical card with you on your trip..
When going on the road, you should not count on the possibility of using credit cards - there are very few ATMs and terminals even in the capital, and therefore you should stock up on cash.


  • Resorts of Tajikistan