Flag of Togo: photos, history, meaning of the colors of the state flag of Togo

Flag of Togo

The current flag of the Togolese Republic was officially adopted in April 1960 after the country gained independence. According to the Togolese constitution, adopted and approved in 1992, the flag looks like this: five green and yellow stripes alternate on the national flag. In the upper left corner there is a white star of regular shape against the background of a red square, which occupies 3/5 of the flag's width.
This option is the idea of ​​the Togolese student Paul Ahiyem. Each color has its own meaning. So, for example, under the yellow color means national unity, as well as the wealth of natural resources of the country. Green represents the hope and importance of agriculture for the life of the country. Red, which is very traditional, is a symbol of the blood of the Togolese, shed during the war of independence and that which may still be shed by the sons of the defenders in the further struggle. White in this case has many meanings, including wisdom, peace and self-esteem. The star represents an image of purity and life, and is also used to remind the country's national dignity. The number of lanes was not chosen by chance, because Togo consists of five administrative regions..
The original flag of Togo looked completely different. At the beginning of the 20th century, when the territory of this country and other tribes on the coast of the Gulf of Guinea were under the rule of the German Empire, this whole union was called Togoland. In 1914, a whole series of flags and emblems was developed for the subordinate territories. In particular, the flag of Togo was supposed to be made on the basis of the black-white-red national flag of Germany with a shield containing the symbol of the country itself. That was supposed to be symbolized by a palm tree and two snakes in a silver field (although the coat of arms itself is made mainly in green). However, these plans were not destined to materialize due to the outbreak of the First World War..
By 1914, the entire territory of Togo was captured by the British and French, and until 1922 was under their joint control. But in 1946 the UN intervened, making the state its trust territory, but leaving control to the same invaders. When Togo united with the Gold Coast in 1957, it was named the Republic of Ghana, which adopted a green flag with two white stars and the flag of France in the upper left corner. But in 1960, the UN proclaimed the country's independence, after which a competition was held for the best version of the new flag..

Photos of the flag of Togo