How to keep your child busy on the road: some useful ideas
In the photo sets «Bingo for toddlers» and «Road bingo»
If you are going on vacation with a child and you have a long journey ahead, you should think about what to do with your baby on the way. A few days on the train or a tiring trip in a car can be a real challenge for adults and children. So that your vacation is not ruined before you even start, you need to think about how to organize your travel leisure..
Here are some ideas for games and activities while traveling.
Coloring, drawing, puzzles
When going on the road, take with you crayons, felt-tip pens, coloring books, a regular notebook or notebook. If you are traveling in a car, bring a tray or large book. They can be placed to make drawing easier..
You can give your child freedom. Let him draw in his favorite coloring pages. Or play with him. For example, draw an object or part of an animal's body on a piece of paper, and have your child guess what it is. Then switch roles.
Bingo and board games
Don't forget the good old board games. Checkers, imaginaruim, loto, puzzles and others will help brighten up the time.
And, for example, bingo is ideal for the road. You can go and look for objects around. Today there are special kits, for example, «Bingo for toddlers» and «Road bingo». Bright cards, stickers, funny tasks - what kids need. Such a game will not only be great fun, but will also be beneficial: it will help to remember new words, broaden the child's horizons, develop attentiveness and observation.
Word games
The good thing about these games is that they don't require any materials at hand. You can play even if you are driving.
Here are some ideas for playing with your toddler:
- List items in turn with one common feature. For example: iron, glass, green, square, etc..
- Tell each other simple riddles about the things that surround you. For example, square, on wheels, inside - all our clothes.
- Think of an object that everyone can see at this moment, and name one of its signs. For example: «In front of me is something speckled». The player must guess what it is after several tries..
- Play «synonyms». Offer the child a word, and let him name words that are close in meaning.
- If you are traveling with an older child and want to distract him from gadgets, dunettes will do. Examples of these can be found on the Internet. Or you can come up with it yourself. It will be fun.
Writers and reading rooms
You can compose stories on the road. Set the beginning of the story. For example, «Imagine yourself as a beetle stuck underground for a million years. What will you do before you get out?». Let the child continue it.
If you are traveling by train, bring your favorite books with you. On them you can arrange a mini-quiz or re-read.
This is a good option for those traveling by car. Under your favorite fairy tale, the baby will soon fall asleep, you can listen to it when you get tired of playing and drawing.
A little imagination, care and attention to the child, and your trip will be pleasant from the very first minutes, the baby will not get tired of the road, and you yourself will feel calmer.
Author: Article provided by the publisher «Mann, Ivanov and Ferber»
In the photo sets «Bingo for toddlers» and «Road bingo»