220. 1-bedroom? house on Maenam for 6-8 thousand

Basic data

District: Maenam
Accommodation type: house
Distance to the sea: 10-20 min walk
Number of bedrooms: 1, bathrooms: 1
Rent price, baht / month: 6000
Host contact: 0878874315, e-mail: okreker@yahoo.de

Pool: no
Internet: yes
Air conditioner: yes
Household appliances: fan, TV, refrigerator, gas stove


Internet, baht / month: free
Electricity, baht / unit: 7
Water: free
Deposit, baht: no

If you need help with renting, send me a request by mail using the form below. I also remind you that it is better to look for hotels in Thailand through RoomGuru, as it shows discounts in 30 booking systems at once, and not only in the usual Booking, which is not the main one in Asia.

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Several houses in one small area in a secluded place surrounded by fields. There are two houses under one roof, each with its own entrance, as well as a veranda. Bedroom + kitchen + bathroom, no separate living room. Bigger and smaller houses differ only in area, the decoration is the same, everything is quite simple. The territory is small, it is a crushed stone area with a gazebo, around which there are houses. Walk to the beach for 10-15 minutes, if straight along the paths.

Small house price: 6000 baht / month
Bigger house price: 8000 baht / month




Host contacts:

220. 1-bedroom? house on Maenam

220. 1-bedroom? house on Maenam
1 bd, 6000-8000 baht / month
View House

1 bd, 6000-8000 baht / month View home