558.1-bedroom house for 12 thousand in Aonang

Basic data

District: Ao Nang
Accommodation type: house
Distance to the sea: by transport
Number of bedrooms: 1, bathrooms: 1
Rent price, baht / month: 12000
Host contact: 081-892-9506 Mrs. Ting

Pool: no
Internet: yes
Air conditioner: yes
Household appliances: fan, refrigerator, gas stove, kettle


Electricity, baht / unit: 9
Water: free

If you need help with renting, send me a request by mail using the form below. I also remind you that it is better to look for hotels in Thailand through RoomGuru, as it shows discounts in 30 booking systems at once, and not only in the usual Booking, which is not the main one in Asia.

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Several one-bedroom houses in an unenclosed area. Around the palm forest and grass. Located behind the UP Backery and 100 meters from the main road, but not noisy. To the beach no more than 10 minutes by bike.

The houses are very spacious, it was easy to make double ones of them, but the whole area went into a large living room. There is a kitchen, air conditioning in the bedroom. The Internet is there, but somewhere «neighbor wifi», and somewhere the tenants ran a canal, like ours. All basic furniture is.

If you shoot for 3 or more months, you can drop the price up to 10 thousand.Water is included, the power was 7 baht per unit, but recently it has risen in price to 9.




558. 1-bedroom? house in Aonang

558. 1-bedroom? house in Aonang
1 bd, 12,000 baht / month
View House

1 bd, 12,000 baht / monthView house