Obtaining a passport through government services is my positive experience
I was so pleased with the receipt of a passport through the website of the state service that I can not help but share this with everyone. Suddenly it will come in handy. There is nothing complicated there, but, as I understand it, the opinion has taken root among the people that everything works crookedly there, wait a month for the password, and so on. So, this is all not so, apparently they took up their minds, I did not even expect it straight. And it all started with the fact that I came to make a residence permit for my son and saw the queue at the OUFMS, just like before - there are 30-40 people in the corridor, lists with names ... Horror. But I'll tell you in order how to issue a passport via the Internet.
The content of the article
- one Obtaining a passport through government services
- 2 Obtaining a passport for an infant
- 3 Why make a passport through government services
Obtaining a passport through government services
IMPORTANT! You can apply for yourself and your minor children. The wife and other relatives must register their personal accounts.
Procedure step by step
- First you need to register on the website http://www.gosuslugi.ru/. To do this, you will need SNILS (this is the number of your pension certificate, such a green card). It is used as a login.
- After that, you will need to wait for the activation code, which will come to you by regular paper mail. Yes, earlier it went on for a month, in 2010 I was waiting for it somewhere. But in 2012, when I registered an account for my wife, this code came a week later by registered mail. The only negative is that you have to go to the post office for it. If the password is needed faster, then it can be ordered at one of the Rostelecom offices, then it will be there in a couple of days.
- After entering the activation code, you get access to your account, where you can order various government services, and in particular, issue a new generation passport for 10 years, as well as an old one for 5 years.
- Fill out the questionnaire, there are tips everywhere, so it takes about 20 minutes.
- At the end of the questionnaire, you need to upload your photo with an aspect ratio of 35 × 45 and on a white background, up to 300 kb in size. It is very easy to make one at home, having a camera and photoshop. I even had an old small scanned photograph that I once took for documents. Thus, we get rid of the need to go to a photo studio and pay for photos..
- Before sending the questionnaire, be sure to save it on your computer. There is such a button at the bottom, it may come in handy in the future..
- In 15 minutes you will receive a letter to the email that the automatic checks have been passed and the application has been accepted.
- After 1-2 business days you will receive a letter by email stating that your application has been verified by a person and accepted. Now you have to wait for an invitation to the passport office. Or a letter may come that something is incorrectly indicated in the application or is not fully completed. Then that copy saved on your computer will come in handy, which will need to be uploaded to the site instead of filling out the questionnaire again..
- After another 1-2 working days, an invitation will come, which will indicate the time at which you need to come (15 days are given), documents to bring.
- After submitting the documents, about a month later, you need to go a second time for a passport.
Obtaining a passport through government services
What letters come to e-mail
An invitation to apply for my passport
«Invitation. You need to appear within 15 days for photographing at the address: Moscow, st. Yuzhnobutovskaya, 3a, to inspector Gennady Vladimirovich Anufriev in office. No. 7: VT. Thu - from 10 to 19.30, Wed. from 10 to 13-30, Fri. from 9 to 16-15, lunch from 14 to 14-45 tel 716-60-45. I draw your attention to the fact that the information specified in the application must completely coincide with the documents that you bring to a personal appointment (all positions must be indicated, even if they were in the same organization and all renaming of organizations if they are reflected in the work book). You should have with you: 1. Employment record book, or a copy of the work record book (extract from it) certified at the place of work, or an application in one copy on the form of the established form with a photograph. The information about the work activity indicated in the application is certified by the head (personnel department) at the main place of work (service, study) of the applicant. 2. The main identity document of the applicant. 3. Receipt of payment of state duty. 4. A valid international passport (if any).»
Invitation to submit documents for a passport for a minor son
«Invitation. You need to appear at the address: Moscow, st. Yuzhnobutovskaya, 3a, to inspector Gennady Vladimirovich Anufriev in office. No. 7 VT. Thu-from 10 to 19-30, Wed from 10 to 13-30, Fri. from 9 to 16-15, lunch from 14 to 14-45, tel 716-60-45. You should have: 1. The main identity document of the applicant. 2. Receipt of payment of the state duty for the issuance of a passport. 3. Birth certificate of the child, as well as his photocopy. 4. Documents certifying the availability of citizenship of the Russian Federation, for persons under the age of 14 and their photocopy, for persons who have reached the age of 14 (come with a parent in order to sign the application), the main identity document (passport) of a citizen of the Russian Federation and his photocopy, as well as a valid foreign passport of the child (if any). 5. Two photographs in black and white or color, 35x45 mm in size with a clear image of the face, strictly from the front, without a headdress, on matte paper for each minor citizen. 6. Previous foreign passport (child), if it is valid»
Passport readiness message
After several e-mail messages that the passport is being issued, I finally received that it is ready (after 3-4 weeks).
«Ready. Your passport is ready, you need to apply to office N5, located at the address: Moscow st. Yuzhnobutovskaya d. 3A, you must have a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, a previous foreign passport if it was not canceled when submitting documents. Issue hours: Mon. from 10-18, Tue., Thu. from 10-20, Wed from 10 -14, Fri. from 9 to 16-45 SAT. from 9-13, lunch from 14 to 14-45.»
Documents for obtaining a passport through public services
- Employment record book, or a copy certified at work.
- Russian passport or birth certificate for a child with a citizenship stamp.
- Receipt for payment of state duty. For a biometric passport - 3,500 rubles (adults), 1,500 rubles (children under 14). For an old-style foreign travel - 2000 rubles (adults), 1000 rubles (children under 14 years old). Details for Moscow are here. When paying through Sberbank Online, you can bring a receipt printed at home on a printer without wet printing.
- Old valid international passport, if any.
- Photos for a new passport are not needed, since you upload photos for the questionnaire on the website, and you are photographed on the passport itself on the spot. For an old-style passport, a photo can be taken in any photo studio.
How I got my passport
Once in our FMS there were long queues and there was a separate queue for those using state services, which became a decisive factor in registering for state services and issuing a passport through them. But now, both in our country and everywhere in Moscow, there are no separate queues, everywhere there is a common electronic.
In Butovo, everything is done quickly, it takes 5-15 minutes. Already 3 times I made a passport: myself and 2 times for a child. Last time in 2016. I handed over all the documents through the window in 10 minutes (there were a couple of people in front of me).
The wife's passport was made at the MFC Lefortovo and there is also an electronic queue. In 2012, we spent an hour in the queue, in 2016 everything also passed pretty quickly..
My biometric passport was ready in less than a month, and the old passport for my son in 2 weeks.
Obtaining a passport for an infant
In my opinion, it is best for a baby to issue not a biometric passport for 10 years, but an ordinary one for 5 years. There are a number of reasons why this is better:
- The state fee will be less.
- The passport will have to be changed in a few years, since the child will not match the photo, not only in 5 years, but even earlier. Border guards can find fault with this inconsistency. Maybe, of course, this is nonsense, but it was safer for my son to remake a new passport at 4 years old, otherwise in the old one, where he is 2 months old, he did not look like himself at all.
- The baby does not need to be dragged with you to the OUFMS for taking pictures in the cockpit, you can just bring ordinary 35x45 color photographs. This turned out to be very important for us, since we did not need an extra sortie in winter. Therefore, I took photos in a relaxed home environment and then printed them out in a nearby photo studio..
As they say in smart forums, with an old valid passport, they must be allowed into any country. The fact that biometrics is required somewhere is fiction.
Why make a passport through government services
As I said, when I was making a passport, there was an opportunity to submit documents without a queue, and now there are general electronic queues everywhere. Nevertheless, the last time I changed my child's passport, I did it again through government services..
I personally find it easier to do as many actions at home as possible: fill out an electronic form, upload a photo, than look for an up-to-date form somewhere on the Internet, print it, go to a photo studio to take a photo. Moreover, if something is incorrectly filled in the questionnaire, it will be returned to me for correction without visiting the MFC.
I don't see any problems in registering and receiving a password by mail, this is done once, and there is nothing complicated about it. Moreover, government services will be useful for other applications later: I have already made a passport 3 times, received a certificate 2 times. In addition, I also use pgu.mos.ru (the registration is the same), I constantly write to the child's doctor, it is also more convenient for me than running to the clinic.
Of course, the sites have glitches and institutions do not work harmoniously with the site at times, but do not forget what country we live in. Such services are just developing. If it's easier for you to do everything with your hands and personally in the old fashioned way - do it, no one will be forced. I hope that someday everything will work as it should. Well, I want to believe it.
P.S. If you have questions, ask, but first read the article carefully, most of the answers are already there. Regarding the work of the site I can not say anything, it is best to call those support, it exists for this.