Archery in Moscow or how three kettles from a bow shot

I continue my epic with trying various active events within the framework of the post What to do in Moscow at the weekend. This time I decided to try archery in Moscow ...

When was the last time you fired a bow? And did they shoot at all? In my recollections, only a hazel bow with a string of twine, and arrows from just about anything remained. I remember that the boys and I made them ourselves, depicting Robin Hoods, but we did not see a real bow in our eyes. Therefore, as soon as I saw the coupon on Biglion, I immediately bought it, only 250 rubles per hour of archery for memories of childhood.

Archery in Moscow

Surely there have been archery schools in Moscow for a long time, it just never occurred to me to try to come to the training ground and take a one-time lesson. Of course, the price also plays a role here, in ordinary life you would have to pay 1500 rubles per hour, not 250 rubles. Perhaps there is somewhere cheaper. Overall, I can say I liked it. This is really interesting! I won't say that I now want to enroll in school, but it's worth a try.

This is what an archery range looks like.

This is what an archery range looks like.

Preparing for Competition - New Target Boards

Preparing for Competition - New Target Boards

All the action takes place on the street, in an open field, fenced in. There was no excitement, there were 8 people shooting at us. Naturally, all are very serious and equipped: with quivers, in defense, bows with stabilizers and sights. Pleased with small children who easily drive arrows into a target from a distance of 30 meters.

All very serious shooters

All very serious shooters

Children can easily drive arrows 30 meters

Bows are placed on special stands

Bows are placed on special stands

Stabilizers are screwed on professional bows - long sticks

Classic sport bows turned out to be large and heavy, and a bit like skis :) I won't say that it is easy to stretch the bowstring either. We shot mostly from close range (18 meters), but we never hit the top nine, well, maybe once an hour. Often, our arrows flew away altogether, although the foam shield with the target is quite large. Serious competitions are held at 70 meters and higher, and as soon as they hit the target ...

Archery instruction

My first shot

Something hit the target

The rest is lying somewhere in the grass

We're like real Robin Hoods

I try to hit the target again

For all the time, only once every nine

The instructor doesn't mind shooting either.

Our arrows and bows. True, they look like skis?

Daria shot as well as my friend and I

And sometimes even better

There are also compound bows (or hunting bows), they are shorter and the principle of string tension is different - at first it goes very hard, but then there is almost no need to hold the bowstring. It is much easier to shoot from them, since when shooting from a regular bow, the hand trembles when you hold a taut bowstring. But Daria was never able to stretch the compound bow.

Compound Bow Shooting

Compound bows were also allowed to try

How to shoot a bow

It turned out to be much easier to shoot than I thought. The arrow rests on the bow itself on the shelf, and is inserted with a slot into the bowstring, after which you pull the bowstring as far as it will go, aim, and release it. Special protection is put on the fingers of the right hand so as not to cut the phalanges. A plastic mesh is put on the wrist to protect it from the blows of the bowstring. True, this protection did not save me, I somehow unsuccessfully let go of the bowstring three times and hit my hand - not a pleasant sensation. The instructor said that for archers, these places are generally blue..

In the meantime, time is up and the weather has turned bad

Protection from the bowstring on the left hand, protection of fingers on the right

P.S. Arrows go gathering everything together. That is, at first everyone shot, they wait until the others finish, then the whole crowd goes and pulls them out of the targets. Therefore, there have been no accidents yet..

P.P.S. You can also look for coupons for archery on Grupon, there may also be.