Monkey Beach - Monkey Paradise on Phi Phi Don
Once a cozy and stunning place on Phi Phi Don, Monkey Beach has now turned into a beach for the mass tourist to walk. You yourself know that any bounty beach can be ruined if you unload about thirty boats of noisy people on it..
The azure sea is covered by the boats, the horizon is dotted with silhouettes of catamarans and yachts, on the shore you will not be crowded among colorful scarves and swimsuits, and now you already understand that a trip to a heavenly place turns into a fucking booth.
Maya Bay suffers from the same problem - too many people. So the only thing you can do for yourself is to sail to Monkey Beach before the daytime tourist wave, or after it..
The content of the article
- one Beach description
- 2 Entering the water, depth and waves
- 3 Sun beds and shade
- 4 Beach photo
- five Infrastructure
- 6 Houses and hotels on the beach
- 7 How to find the beach
- eight Beach Map
Beach description
Wild beach with wild monkeys. Monkey Beach faces north, has less than three hundred meters in length and the width of the sandy strip from zero (at high tide) to 30 meters (at low tide). Along the edges, it is separated from the rest of the island by high mountains with rocky, steep shores, so you can get to Monkey Beach only by sea.
The distance from Lo Dalam is insignificant, about a kilometer, so people can easily rent kayaks and get there in 15-20 minutes. For the lazy, there is an option with a taxi, but there is already bargaining around the time spent on the beach and the cost of the trip, on average, it is 400 baht per 2 hours. But it's worth it: perfectly fine light sand that dries in the sun becomes almost white.
Entering the water, depth and waves
The coast is gentle and goes under the water at a slight slope of about a hundred meters. The first 30 will consist of pure sand, walking on which gives an almost erotic pleasure, but then rocks and debris of the reef begin, which are clearly visible at low tide.
The beach is quite swimable, with high water you can go chest-deep into the sea and never step on a stone. With the waves, the situation is the same as the average for the hospital: with the wind they are, and in calm weather there is an ideal water surface and tropical classic views (of course, if you did not come to the island as part of the excursion during rush hour.)
Sun beds and shade
The beach is completely wild, on an isolated section of the island of Phi Phi Don, so there is no talk of any amenities here - no umbrellas, no sun loungers, no bars. From the staff - only local macaques.
Bring your beach rugs with you and enjoy the lush vegetation of Monkey Beach, which, due to its geographic location, provides plenty of natural shade at any time of the day..
Although, according to my observations, passing tourists do not stay here for a long time, and independent kayakers quite calmly do without unnecessary furniture and sunbathe right on the sand. If the macaques allow them.
Beach photo
Monkey Beach, Phi Phi Don Island
Monkey Beach infrastructure are warning posters. They are instructed not to feed the monkeys and, in principle, to be afraid of them - whatever one may say, but these are wild animals and they can bite you. Monkeys are also the only local attraction that can both amuse and cripple a tourist..
I especially recommend not to relax for parents with children. The kid does not know that it is not necessary to show teeth to monkeys (a sign of aggression), and even more so, you should not try to stroke them or not give what they take away. Cases of bites continue to surface regularly, and this is not only painful, but also troublesome - no one canceled injections from rabies.
Houses and hotels on the beach
There are no houses for rent or hotels on Monkey Beach. It is physically impossible to put even a frail hut in this place - a strip of sand ends with heaps of rock, which crumbled from a steep stone slope that encircles the entire bay.
Deciduous crooked trees grow among the stones and on the rocks themselves, along which only local monkeys can move. Moreover, at high tide, almost the entire beach is hidden by the sea, so you can't even put up some kind of temporary house on the beach itself.
This is a truly wild place, though only from 4 pm to 10 am, while there are no tourists. By the way, monkeys may not go to the beach while waiting for boats - they already know that food comes on noisy boats..
Using the link below, you will be taken to a general list of hotels in Phi Phi Don, but you click on the icon with the map and there you will already decide on accommodation options on Monkey Beach. The island is so small that Roomguru doesn't even try to divide hotels by beaches..
Hotels near Phi Phi>
Be sure to check for discounts or specials on the excellent Roomguru service. He will quickly and easily show you discounts in all existing booking systems. In Asia, for example, there are a lot of offers on, which are much more profitable than in the same hotels in the system..
How to find the beach
To begin with, look at its location on a Google map and mark yourself with a marker on your smartphone, but I don't think that independent people should be told about navigators. But if you are going to go there as part of an excursion, then in any travel agency or directly to the boatman, show two words: «monkey beach».
After that add «how march» and start bargaining, only without fanaticism. 350-400 baht is quite an adequate price for two or three hours of the boatman's work, who will bring you to Monkey Beach, wait there and return you back to the Phi Phi Don isthmus.
Beach Map
Monkey Beach Map
Monkey Beach Map: