Dolphinarium in Adler (former Aquatoria) - for the inexperienced
One of the four dolphin establishments I know in Sochi. In addition to the dolphinarium in Adler, there are also the same ones in the Riviera (Big Sochi), in Matsesta and in Sochi Park (also Adler). The Adler Dolphinarium (formerly called Aquatoria) is located not far from the largest Russian Aquarium Sochi Discovery World Aquarium, closer to the sea and the train station «News». This is a small round building with its own courtyard, which houses a cafe, ticket offices and a couple of attractions for the little ones..
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Dolphinarium in Adler
Although, to be honest, the water in the pool with boats in the courtyard did not impress me, but Mickey Mouse with the face of a vampire and in the uniform of a galactic usurper is generally traumatic for the child's psyche. It seems to me that small children, when they see him, should cry in fear and hide behind their mother..
In general, the dolphinarium did not make much of an impression on me, I didn’t even want to take out the camera. I visited here after hours, so I admit that my impressions are superficial and it makes sense to get here during the show, but I heard about them from my subscribers and friends. The courtyard is a rather dull sight, the cashier in her mink diligently avoided the opportunity to talk to me and spoke on the phone with a serious look, although I was ready to wait an hour and give 600 rubles for the opportunity to look at dolphins and other sea animals from the aquatic circus.
There is no parking near the dolphinarium, it is far enough from the bus stop, you will have to walk in the heat and it is better to come here in the evening, without small children. The same advice applies to attending the show - choose an evening show, at 18 o'clock. You should not torment the kids with the heat in the open air in a stuffy building that is not blown through, and the adults will also not be so hot to sit for these 45 minutes of the show. The dolphins of the bottlenose dolphins Chacha and Rada, the sea lion Masha, the beluga whales Stepan and Pyatachok and the noun-name fur seal, which appeared not so long ago, are performing. Adults like the show through one, but children invariably remain delighted after each show.
According to visitors' reviews, about 80% praise both the show and the presenter in style «the toastmaster is cheerful and the contests are interesting», and twenty percent remain in bewilderment and skepticism. The music is loud, the presenter is excessively talkative, the show itself is mediocre and protracted. If there had been less chatter, then it would have been done in half the time, but I understand everything - you have to beat off 600 rubles. In general, the sophisticated viewer has nothing to do here, and if you are going to visit, then - as an exception and in bad weather. Anyway, the first few rows are constantly sprayed with water from the pool..
Unpleasant rudiments of a scoop - photographers with animals at the entrance to the Adler Dolphinarium add a negative to the general set of impressions. These comrades intrusively offer services, receive constant refusals, from this they get angry, pester already annoyingly aggressively, and when they run into a simpleton, they win back in full and spin for money. Calling the price of 250 rubles, they are silent that this is the cost of one frame, and not the entire photo session, and after the tourist receives his photos, abuse begins during the calculation. Why they are still not being chased and prosecuted under the animal protection law - I do not understand.
Dolphinarium in Adler
Information to visit
In summer, the Dolphinarium in Adler is open every day, except Mondays. Shows are held at 12:00, 15:00 and 18:00. The rest of the year - only one show - at 15:00, and the day off remains the same.
The cost of a ticket for an adult is 600 rubles. Children under 5 years old - free of charge, but they must sit on the lap of an exonerated parent.
You can get there by train to Izvestia station or by bus to the Sanatorium stop «News». Route numbers: 56, 60, 105, 105s, 117, 118, 124C, 125, 125P, 125s, 134, 140, 173.
The ticket office sells tickets on the day of the performance, and in advance too. Open daily from 10:00 to 20:00.
The first rows are constantly wet, the seats will have to be wiped with anything, the administration did not think about this issue, so I recommend grabbing an unnecessary T-shirt or dry napkins.
On the map
Dolphinarium Aquatoria
Dolphinarium Aquatoria
The dolphin show is held 3 times a day at 12, 15 and 18 hours. The show lasts 40 minutes, part of this time is occupied by an auction for the sale of paintings painted by dolphins. The level of the show is designed for children who came to the dolphinarium for the first time.
More details.
The dolphin show is held 3 times a day at 12, 15 and 18 hours. The show lasts 40 minutes, part of this time is occupied by an auction for the sale of paintings painted by dolphins. The level of the show is designed for children who came to the dolphinarium for the first time..