Gekko Bar on Koh Samui - an iconic place to meet friends with music
Gekko Bar is one of the most iconic hangout places on Koh Samui, which is often visited by both tourists and longsters of the island. And this is one of the few places that you are recommended as soon as you ask. «recommend a bar on the mountain with a good view» - this category on Koh Samui is represented literally by units.
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Gekko Bar
Gekko Bar is located at the top of one of the highest hills in the Bo Phut area. It takes about five minutes to get here from the ring road, not in a hurry. The parking is spacious, there is enough space for 15-20 cars. From above there is a view of the Gulf of Thailand, the Bo Phut area and, in good weather, the island of Phangan is perfectly visible.
Outwardly, the bar looks quite ordinary and does not at all look like island a la reggae-type bars like Samui Camp. Gecko is already urban style, everything is so modern, Thai high-tech, made of glass and concrete. Interior - modern furniture, sun loungers, glass tables. The specialty of the establishment is a small pool with a mosaic gecko at the bottom, and if you take a picture from the right angle, you can get pictures of the infinity pool.
Parking in front of the main entrance
Gekko Bar on Koh Samui
Bar as an observation deck overlooking Bang Rak and Bo Phut
Quite decent quality cuisine and decent drinks
Signature feature - gecko at the bottom of the pool
The bar is popular during the daytime too
Information to visit
There are no regular parties like the Fullmoon Party in the Gekko bar, but the performances of various DJs or sessions, held under the auspices of one or another company, are constantly announced. The bar is often used to organize private and smaller parties. In the evening it is very lively and fun, and at normal times - Gekko, this is just a bar-cafe where you can eat delicious typhoid (there is no European cuisine) or drink a quality mixed cocktail. And at the same time swim and chat with friends.
By the way, I was here during the day, and the music was playing in the background, not straining at all, and there were few people, mostly they just took tables and chatted with a glass of something. Prices are average for this type of establishment, I paid 300 baht for the fried rice seafood and pineapple shake I ordered. This can be considered the minimum check. I liked the food, the shake too.
Pointer to Gekko Bar
On the map
The road to Gecko Bar is not difficult, there are a couple of steep climbs from the roundabout to the parking lot, so just follow Google Maps. Or start using it if you haven't already. There will be no dangerous sections along the way, except for a heavily chipped road in one place - so do not accelerate too much and look at the signs, there will be a sudden right turn ahead, do not miss it.
Gecko Bar
Gecko Bar
Outwardly, the bar looks quite ordinary and does not at all look like the same Samui Camp. Gecko is already an urban style, all that high-tech, made of glass and concrete. Interior - modern furniture, sun loungers, glass tables. The specialty of the establishment is a small pool with a mosaic gecko at the bottom, and if you take a picture from the right angle, you can get pictures of the infinity pool.
More about the bar.
Outwardly, the bar looks quite ordinary and does not at all look like the same Samui Camp. Gecko is already an urban style, all that high-tech, made of glass and concrete. Interior - modern furniture, sun loungers, glass tables. The specialty of the establishment is a small pool with a mosaic gecko at the bottom, and if you take a picture from the right angle, you can get pictures of the infinity pool..