Grenoble and the Alps - my impressions of the city
This fall we were lucky enough to visit the beautiful city of Grenoble, walk along its ancient streets and pamper our eyes with beautiful views of the mountains that simply fit into the city from any direction, wherever you look. As a friend living there aptly noted, it is very difficult to get lost in Grenoble, because wherever you are, mountains are visible everywhere and they are different, so it is very easy to navigate by them..
It is better to book hotels in Europe in advance and Grenoble is no exception, so I will recommend you Logis Institut Hotel or Hotel de l’Europe, one is cheaper, the other is more expensive, but both are good.
Grenoble and French mountains
French mountains in Grenoble are visible wherever you look
French mountains in Grenoble
French mountains in Grenoble
And one of the main symbols and attractions of Grenoble is the teleferic funicular, built one of the first in Europe. Its unofficial name is much simpler and unpretentious - eggs. On this cable car you can climb to the fortifications of the 19th century - Bastille, from where incredible panoramas of the city open.
Teleferic of Grenoble and the French Alps
View from the Bastille, panorama of Grenoble
Grenoble is framed on three sides by the French Alps: from the north there is the Chartreuse ridge, in the east - Belledonne, and in the west - Vercors. And yet this city is considered the flattest city in Europe, according to some sources on the Internet. Amazing yes?
And around Grenoble, there are many good and fairly simple ski slopes. I went to the mountains for a walk in those places, of course, I did not try to ride there, because it was in the fall and at that time only the very first snow fell.
Lift in the French Alps
Lift in the French Alps
In the French Alps
Due to the fact that Grenoble is surrounded by the French Alps, it has no opportunity to grow in breadth. According to local residents, this city is considered one of the most expensive in terms of housing rent..
I liked the trams here very much - I called them caterpillars from the future. Such a long streamlined thing with a licked muzzle is going down the street, well, just like a living thing! A ticket for a tram can be bought at any stop in a special machine, and everywhere (at least where I have seen it) it is displayed on a special board when the next tram arrives - very convenient.
Grenoble tram
Placard at a tram stop
Tram ticket machines
In Grenoble, a lot of attention is paid to people with disabilities, the entire infrastructure of the city is thought out so that it is convenient for them, and special places in transport, trams without a footboard, convenient arrivals and exits, etc..
Entrance to the Grenoble tram without a step
Inside the Grenoble tram
Grenoble is adapted for cycling, there are bike paths everywhere, there are many people on bicycles (and sometimes those that I have never seen here!). How I like that cycling is so developed here!
Grenoble bike paths
Bicycle rental in Grenoble
Grenoble cyclist
Elderly cyclist in Grenoble
There are cyclists like this in Grenoble.
Pizza is delivered on scooters
There are a lot of cafes on the streets, however, this phenomenon is inherent not only in Grenoble, but here they are found different, even very small in 1-2 tables and most often almost empty. Maybe, of course, I was so lucky and I just walked the streets at the wrong time to find a lot of people here..
Cafe in Grenoble and French mountains
And on the streets there are grounds with special filler so that there is where to walk your pets. Nicely! True, the approach of such a corner is felt long before you see it - by the smell, although they are cleaned once a day, sort of like.
Special nook for dog needs
In one place you can find very colorful, interesting graffiti. As our friend explained to us, the city government specifically asked the artists to paint this place. And why, I forgot ....
Graffiti on the streets of Grenoble
Graffiti on the streets of Grenoble
Near the train station of Grenoble, which is combined with the bus station and is located in the city center, there is a funny fountain, the water from which flows directly onto the asphalt under it, there are no special fences and pools for you.
Signpost to Grenoble train station and French Alps
Fountain near Grenoble train station
Grenoble railway and bus station
Grenoble is famous for a large number of universities, but, unfortunately, it did not work to get into one of them. And there are many young people in the city, although I did not see them entirely under favorable circumstances. Apparently, at this time there was some kind of holiday, and in the evenings in the city center in cafes it was very noisy, loud, and as it seemed to us, even a little aggressive, although no one touched me. It was dark, but it seemed that the number of drunken and cheerful Arab youth was very large. I did not take pictures of them. Here is a photo of just evening and night Grenoble.
Night Grenoble
Night Grenoble
Grenoble at night
Grenoble at night
Almost every morning I went to the nearby pastry-bakery to enjoy fresh pastries, which could not but affect my figure. But I could not refuse these goodies in any way! And also, once looked into «Russian store», but the prices there are not very good, apparently because almost all the products were made in Germany, although the names were written in Russian. Much of what I saw on the shelves there, I have never met in Russia, it's funny.
Bakery and pastry shop Grenoble
Russian store in Grenoble
And once I even went to the local market and on my own, just like a real Grenoblez, bought vegetables there. Sellers smile, explain something, even if you don't understand, tell something about themselves, ask about you. And all without haste, without fuss, without aggression. And they don't sell «guests from the South», but just local farmers!
Market in Grenoble
In general, I really liked Grenoble, it seemed clean and tidy, although some say that the city is dirty. Maybe he conquered me so much because, in this city «every street ends in a mountain», as Stendhal said.
Every street in Grenoble ends in a mountain
Every street in Grenoble ends in a mountain
Every street in Grenoble ends in a mountain
On the street of Grenoble you can find such a charm
Park in Grenoble
These are the courtyards in Grenoble