Guesthouses and hotels in Thailand
Perhaps the hotels in Thailand are one of the most affordable in the world, or at least in Asia. But at the same time, one cannot say that they are somehow worse. Of course, there are options for ordinary backpackers, like us, and for wealthy people, for whom comfort is paramount. However, I have more than once met the statement that in terms of price / quality ratio, Thailand is in the forefront, and not only on issues related to housing, but also in terms of food, travel, technology. This situation is due to the fact that the standard of living in this country is lower than in European countries and neighboring Asian countries. Although the level of quality of life, in my opinion, is even higher, the truth is mainly for expats, and not for local residents. Plus, there is a lot of competition, an offer for renting a home can be found at every step..

House in Phuket

Bamboo bungalow

Hotel in Pattaya
Typically, many travelers use specialized sites to find accommodation. Such as RoomGuru. It is very convenient, in advance, even before the trip or during it, you can choose via the Internet the most suitable guesthouse or hotel in terms of location and price. Of course, you can do all this on the spot upon arrival, and we also had to do this, but not everyone has enough time and desire to do this, being in some kind of unknown. This is especially true for those who travel on a well-organized route that has a time frame, or those who are traveling on vacation for just a couple of weeks..
The site is specialized only for this wonderful country. In addition to hotels, there you can find tours, reviews about Thailand and holidays in it, photos, tips and much more. Such information can be of great help before any journey. After all, you need to prepare for any trip, be it Thailand or other states. True, in the case of an organized tour, it will be enough to read some minimum about the country, and the rest will be told by the hotel guide. And only if the trip is completely independent, you will have to shovel more than one site when developing a route. But fortunately, there are a lot of such resources on the network now, which, although they are repeated, but often complement each other..