How to cancel a booking on Booking com

The online hotel booking system is one of the most popular services among Russians for finding and booking accommodation when planning their own trips. But not always everything goes according to plan and there are situations when the reservation has to be canceled. Let's take a closer look at how this can be done in my mini-instructions..

Detailed instructions on how to make a reservation on can be found here: How to book a hotel on Booking.

The content of the article

Cancellation policy on Booking

The first thing to say about canceling a reservation on is that you can do it without any penalty, but the terms of cancellation may vary from hotel to hotel. Therefore, even at the stage of choosing a room and booking, carefully look at the cancellation conditions set by the hotel. Usually, a reservation can be canceled free of charge if you do it a certain period before arrival (from 1 to 30 days, depending on the specific hotel), and some hotels may even charge you an amount equal to the cost of living in a room for one day even when canceling a reservation..

When initially choosing a room at the hotel, please note the cancellation policy. In this case, your bank card number is not required for booking and cancellation is free:

How to cancel a booking on Booking com

When you select specific check-in dates, the site draws your attention to what date cancellation will be free for you:

How to cancel a booking on Booking com

How to cancel a booking on Booking

Immediately after booking

Immediately after booking on the Booking website, under the message that a booking confirmation letter has been sent to your mail, there will also be a link «Cancel reservation or make changes», by clicking on which you can immediately make adjustments.

How to cancel a booking on Booking com

In your personal account

If you have a registration on Booking, then you can go to the site as an authorized user, and in your personal account you can cancel any of your booking or change it.

By link in email

Next, consider the case when you book a hotel on as an unregistered or logged in user..

In case the booking was just a few days ago and you have already closed the Booking page, you need to go to your email, which you indicated during the booking. There you need to find a letter confirming your reservation. It contains links to change or cancel your reservation. You can use them if necessary. By opening the booking confirmation email sent by, you can see two links to cancel your booking at once.

First link «Make a change to your booking»:

How to cancel a booking on Booking com

And the second button is a link - «Cancel booking»:

How to cancel a booking on Booking com

Both links lead to the same booking page where you can permanently cancel your booking. Under the red cancel button it is written how long the cancellation will be free:

How to cancel a booking on Booking com

After clicking on the red button in the pop-up window, you can select the reason for the cancellation and once again confirm your decision:

How to cancel a booking on Booking com

Everything, the reservation is canceled! A message will appear on the screen about the successful cancellation of the reservation and on what conditions it was canceled. In this case, it's free:

How to cancel a booking on Booking com

P.S. I remind you for those who do not know that instead of Booking it is better to use the RoomGuru service, which allows you to find out the prices for a particular hotel in several booking systems at once, including Booking. Thus, you can save a lot on hotels, since prices differ.