This post may be of interest to those travel bloggers who use the Aviasales affiliate program. If you have not tried it yet, then follow the link and register in it. But getting down to business.
Improving statistics
Many, including myself, use widgets in the sidebar. The maximum that is offered by the affiliate is the use of its own additional marker. I think you understand that by setting the sidebar marker, you will know that the transitions were from the sidebar, but you will not know from which page. And this is very interesting, because having found out which pages are the most selling on your blog / website, you will be able to conclude in which direction to move further to increase earnings.
Therefore, we need not just a sidebar marker, but also the post ID, or the heading / page / post marking. I made myself to track the page + ID, record + ID, heading, home page. In principle, it is logical, then mainly we need the IDs of the posts and the main one, because from the rest of the page there will most likely be little sales.
I pasted this code into the PHP Worpdress widget. You will need a PHP Code Widget plugin or similar, otherwise php cannot be inserted into the widget.
And in the place of the code from Aviasales where your marker goes, you need to insert such a piece into the line break.
& marker = 11334.sidebar & show_tutorial
As a result, we will receive in the personal account of the affiliate program a list of all post IDs, from where the referrals and sales came from. And also we will find out if there were sales from the main page, headings and pages.
We have such a list in the personal account of Aviasales
After that, you will need to break through the ID of posts and see which ones are which. I'll tell you how you can do this, since I started 🙂 You can install the Search by ID plugin or an analogue and find the name of a post by ID. You can also go to PHPMyAdmin on your hosting and look for the ID you need in the posts table..
So I had a lot of posts, I went the other way. First, I copied all the markers to Excel from the Aviasales personal account, then, using autocorrect, I removed the unnecessary ones and only the numbers remained in a column. Next, you need to somehow make them in a line and separated by commas. Did this:
- I copied the entire column from Excel and pasted it into the field in the browser (where you enter the address) and they turned out there in one line.
- Then I copied it from here into a text file, having received numbers in a line separated by a space.
- Now it is not difficult to replace a space with a comma via autocorrect.
And then everything is easy for those who understand WordPress a little. We create the most common page in our admin panel, for example, with the link, then go to our template (via ftp, for example), look for the page.php file, copy it to page-aviasales.php and there, instead of the_content, we insert our array with ID (just copy your numbers).
Then go to the page we created in the browser and see the list of all posts.
A little about my statistics
For 3 months of the summer months, they brought me money about 250 articles, out of 900. The topics are very diverse, and not always direct travel. The most striking were the following posts: what to do in Moscow, ferry schedules in Hong Kong, food layout for the trip. That is, there were low sales for them, but there were. And how to conduct analytics in this case is not clear. In an amicable way, you need to look at the annual statistics, and not for 3 months, in order to draw more complete conclusions. But the feeling is that sales are spread relatively evenly throughout the site, excluding the topic of special children and all sorts of philosophies. Most of the money is brought by information posts, and not some sights or trip reports. Actually, in terms of contextual advertising, exactly the same situation is observed.
It turns out that you need to mainly work on informational posts that you least want to write, as well as work on the brand and visual appearance, so that visitors trust the recommendations more. Of course, the visitor also needs to be raised.
P.S. I hope that this infa will be useful to someone, because without analytics anywhere. Sometimes I am not lazy and try to analyze. You can also tell something interesting. By the way, this code can be used both for regular links and for other affiliate programs, if they do not track the reffer themselves.’NS.