An excursion into the life of the baby - the pros and cons of babywearing
In general, you can write and talk about sling a lot and for a long time, personally I am ready to compose songs for this wonderful invention of mankind. I was preparing articles on the topic of slings for several months, and when they seemed to me already ready, I suddenly remembered something «very important», which, well, you definitely need to tell more, so they were added and added to infinity. And if Olezh hadn't stopped me, I'm sure I would have remembered a bunch of useful things on this topic, because I probably forgot something :) This is the first of three articles about slings, so everything that does not fit here will be told in following.
It so happened that an unusual baby came to us, due to some circumstances, completely tame. He can spend very little time without his mother. And for the first months I was ready to sit on handles around the clock. And I understood how important it is for him to be with his mother all the time, to feel her warmth, heartbeat, breathing and to know that you are safe.
But in fact, this is important not only for babies like our Yegor, but in general for all newborns and small children. Probably, many will have questions, but why accustom the child to hands, because he will get used to it, he will be spoiled and then all his nerves will flutter. One can talk and argue about this aspect for a very long time. Oleg and I have chosen this path and in general we try to adhere to the principles of Natural Parenting as much as possible (and it includes such horrors as partner childbirth, joint sleep with a baby, carrying it in our arms, incessant hugs and kisses, long breastfeeding, and at the request of the child , delving into the issue of vaccination, minimizing drugs as much as possible, hardening, planting and many other things that may seem to some, well, not entirely normal and reasonable). But personally, we think that this is more correct, given that we ourselves were raised and brought up in a completely different way, and we, now disentangling the results of this on ourselves, feel that it was not very good.
The content of the article
- one Why is it important to carry a baby in your arms
- 2 Why wearing babies in a sling is useful
- 3 How a baby sling helps mom / what it allows you to do
- 4 Cons of wearing a sling
Why is it important to carry a baby in your arms
Oleg and I, as adherents of EP (natural parenting), believe that the baby needs to be held and carried on the arms as often as possible, so that he feels your warmth, hears (or feels) the beating of your heart, sees you close, felt your friend, dear to him smell, I could touch and study your face, ears, hair at any time, and in our unusual case - also put a pen to my chest to feel the vibrations when we talk.

Mom is calm and comfortable under her wing
It's calm and comfortable with mom and dad
After all, a little man is born so defenseless into this world and for the first few months (and in fact, the first year), he really, well, just really needs to feel that the closest, most beloved, most needed person is his mother (and dad too!) is always there, always helps, because the baby does not understand at all what is happening to him. He is just learning to be aware of himself in this world, and it is so important that on this difficult day of his period he does not feel abandoned..
Our dad is also real «slingopapa»
Long-term wearing in your arms (and easier in a sling), as well as breastfeeding, helps a lot to establish that very significant, inexplicable bond between mother and child. This is especially important for premature babies, or special babies, or those whose mothers failed to give birth correctly (who were Caesarean, or from whom the babies were taken for a long time immediately after giving birth and kept apart from their mothers).
And you know that babies do not have a sense of time, they do not know that what is happening now will someday end, that it is temporary. They think that just as he is now, it will always be so now. Accordingly, when mom is not around, and the baby begins to cry and suffer from this, he does not know that she can soon return to him - he thinks that now it will always be so catastrophically bad and scary.!
Being with my mother is very cool
And most importantly: you know that human babies are born so unadapted for life that the first months, in fact, in fact, are not quite human yet. It's just that if the baby was in the mother's womb until its full maturity, as, for example, in most animals, then the woman simply would not be able to give birth to him, he would be too big. Therefore, nature has come up with such a cunning way - the birth of a baby before it finally matures. But this means that mommy must endure the rest of her cub's time on her arms, like a kangaroo mom wearing her babies in her bag.
Under mom's wing
Why wearing babies in a sling is useful
Ta-dam! And now, finally, we have come to the topic of the indisputable advantages of wearing a sling for small, and not quite small, children. I'll just make a reservation right away that I mean here only correct, physiological and ergonomic carrying slings, which in no way harm the little man. I will tell you about the wrong things for carrying children sold in most stores in the next article..
And I will also say right away that this primarily applies to children under one year old and special children. Well, in general, it is better to listen to your child and not do anything against his will, but not in any case deprive him of what he really wants (and even necessary due to his age or characteristics).
Psychological and emotional development of the baby
So, why is it useful to carry a baby in a special carrier-sling??
First of all, it has a very, very great effect on the psycho-emotional development of the baby. Well, first of all, the baby, being in your sling (in fact, on the arms) for as long as he needs, does not receive psychological trauma, straining in a crib or stroller, calling for mom. On the handles (= in the sling), he feels your warmth and heartbeat, realizes that he is safe, and he is so much calmer. In addition to these seemingly obvious advantages, there are many more indisputable (for me) advantages.
Firstly, it has been noticed by almost all mothers using these amazing devices that slingo babies cry much less often than wheelchair users. Probably this is precisely because he and his mother are much more comfortable, calmer, which means there is no need to scream.
It is interesting and fun with mom 9 in a backpack from Katya Karaush)
Secondly, adaptation to an unfamiliar and frightening world around us in this way occurs gradually and from the most comfortable place for the baby - sitting in the mother's bosom, where it is calm and warm, you can stare around and not feel lonely at the same time.
Thirdly, in such slingo residents, psychoemotional development occurs faster, because the view is enlarged: they look at everything from the height of an adult and see what is simply unrealistic to see from the wheelchair, which means that they receive much more visual information, which, by the way, they can dose on their own if the sling is correct, i.e. if in the first months of life the mother carries the baby face to herself and at any time he can bury his mother and «hide away» from everyone in her warmth and scent.
If I'm scared I hide in my mom
In general, it seems to us that it is very useful for a child from an early age to participate in the adult affairs of parents, whether it be household chores around the house, trips and meetings, work or hobbies. When the baby is very young, he may simply be involved in the process by observing how the parents do it, learning and absorbing the information they see. And then, when he gets older, whenever possible, it's great when he starts to get involved in the process and help. It develops much more than artificial developmental games. Although I am not saying that they are not needed either. It's just that one does not cancel the other. But I was distracted by something. :)
From mother's height you can see everything better (in a backpack from Katya Karaush)
Little boy is involved in mother's affairs
And another important point is the formation of the correct attachment in the child. Do not be afraid to accustom your child to hands, do not worry that he will get used to it and then «will sit down» on your head. There is such a theory (and I see its confirmation on all (!) Familiar baby sling) that if at a very early age a child receives enough parental warmth, care and a sense of security for him, if on the basis of this he has formed the correct attachment to his parents, then, having reached a certain age (much earlier than you think), he becomes very independent and independent (moreover, with the correct behavior of the parents, such a child maintains excellent trusting relationships with them, he respects them and treats them as authorities). Connoisseurs, correct me if I somehow crookedly outlined the essence of Newfeld's idea.
Being with my mother is very cool
Dear slingomas and their slingo residents / flies
Physiological development of the baby
Correct sling repeats position «on handles» and makes it possible to carry the baby in the most physiological position for him. And this, about a miracle (!), Is not lying on a flat or, God forbid, a hard surface with handles «at the seams», but being in a slightly bent position, because the spine of the newborn has exactly this shape, and not straightened, and it will gradually straighten. Correctly (!) Put on the correct (!) Sling takes exactly this shape, which means that the baby's spine will develop as it should.
And, by the way, in the first months of life, freedom during sleep is not so important for a baby, it is more comfortable for him to be a little (!) Constrained in movement and to be in a cramped space, as it was before birth during the last months of his stay in the womb. But somehow I got distracted again :)
Many young children have such a nuisance as hip dysplasia. And many advanced, non-soviet orthopedists and pediatricians themselves advise to wear such children in the right sling to cope with this nuisance. And from the reviews of a huge number of moms, I can tell you, it works! It seems that even some special studies were carried out on this score, and this has also been scientifically proven, but I will not argue, I have not seen these results. But I know for sure: the correct sling is the easiest way to prevent this very dysplasia. The main thing is that the baby sitting upright in the sling was in the so-called M-position - so that the bottom always seems to sag, i.e. was below the knees.
The ass is clearly below the knees
When you wear your child in a sling, and actively move, you make a lot of movements, bend over, squat, reach for something. And the baby, trying to maintain the previous position of his body, in a certain way moves behind you and strains various muscles, thereby training them. Well, and, of course, in this way the sense of balance and the vestibular apparatus of a little man develops very well..
Try so bend over with your mom!
And the overwhelming majority of newborns have such a nasty thing as colic. This is when a little man has a very bad tummy and at the same time no medications help and it is almost impossible to calm an inconsolably crying baby. And again, having gone through this difficult stage myself, and reading / listening to the stories of well, very many other young parents, I can tell you: in this matter, a sling is just a salvation! I don’t know what exactly works so effectively, or the fact that the baby’s tummy is in direct contact with the mother, heats up from her, and therefore does not hurt so much, or because the mother, walking around the room, is systematically swaying and thus rocking and simply calming the restless baby, either because it is always easier to endure all the hardships on the arms of the mother, but thanks to the sling it becomes real to go through this difficult period for everyone. (Just do not be alarmed, there are happy children and with them no less happy parents, whom this misfortune generally passes by).
When something hurts, it's much better on mom's arms
When something hurts, it's much better on mom's arms
There are children who are very difficult to rock to sleep and have to rock for a long, long time. You yourself understand that in a sling it is much easier to do this, and your hands do not get so tired (after all, the main load is distributed along the back), and many children are knocked out simply by the way the mother sways when walking, that is, there is no need to specifically rock out.
You stand, swing and watch your favorite films, and the baby is asleep
We go to sleep in nature
Mom sleeps in her sling, and the baby in hers :)
Oh, but I will definitely make a reservation, this does not mean that the baby needs to be tied to yourself and, without untiing, walk with him day and night! Of course, he very often needs to be released into the open swimming (or just lie on his tummy, looking at the lying toys, or crawl, sit, play, stand up, if he already knows how). But when he needs it, when he asks for pens, take him, take a sip and continue to do his business with the baby «bosom».
How a baby sling helps mom / what it allows you to do
Freedom of hands!
Well, first of all, I’ll say a trivial thing - the sling frees mom’s hands! And this is such a blessing! Of course, you can't do everything with a tied baby in front as quickly as without him at all. But all the same, it's better than sitting and not moving at all, holding the little lily on the handles, or than doing your own thing, but under the deafening screams of your own baby, who is locked in a crib. At least household chores, although they are now being done more slowly, still do not stand still..
And mom has time to do her business, and the baby is calm
And mom has time to do her business, and the baby is calm
It's more fun to do household chores together :)
Freedom of hands
This is the only way I can calmly cut my nails on a small foot.
And some especially cool mothers also manage to work with the baby in a sling (and at the computer, and so on). Unfortunately, I am not one of them. I can justify myself by the fact that in my first months Yegorush conspired only to lie, and not sit in a sling, and only for sleep, during the day because of his tone and in general because of all our neurological things, he was bent and, one might say, jumped out of the sling. But this is a separate difficult story, we dealt with it over time :)
Like I work - I write an article with one hand
Papa Oleg could continue to work with Egor in a sling
With a sludge - and the sea is knee-deep!
Not all public places are adapted for baby (and not baby, too) strollers, and some do not even assume that you can manage to come there with a small child, so most mothers are simply, one might say, locked in captivity at home and sit there with the baby. until he learns to walk confidently on his own, and this takes more than a year! And if it comes to that, then in some places it is much easier to walk with an infant, who mostly sleeps peacefully in a sling, than with an already grown-up baby who cannot stand still, and who can run away from you somewhere, who needs to touch everything, study everything, ask about everything, etc..
We go to the doctors with a sling - it is much more convenient (though Yegor in this photo is not sitting quite correctly)
A mother with a baby in a sling is much more active, and most importantly, mobile than a mother with a stroller. There are also women who do not know how to drive a car, I am one of them too. And how can such a mother use public transport if she has a stroller? It is simply unrealistic to physically climb on either the bus or the subway with her. And so - I put the child in a sling, and if you are not afraid that the baby will pick up some next infection in a public place (for example, after the hospital I became very afraid of this, straight to paranoia), then you can say that they are open all paths, all doors. You can go anywhere and on anything.
Regarding trips anywhere, there is a separate bow to the sling in terms of travel. No, there are heroes who take strollers with them on trips to other cities and countries, but it's horror, how inconvenient! But very often it happens that the already running kid is tired and asks for pens. Once I tried to hold a little girl 15 kg on the arms, this is not a task for the faint of heart. And one day this little girl was so tired on a walk that she fell asleep literally on the go. I'm not kidding, she stumbled and slept. Mom had to take it on handles and carry it home on her. And how did my sling come in handy then?!
We explore the unknown together with mom
Or is it a stroller?
I have experience using a stroller (until I found the ideal carrier for Egor and me, the sonul was very reluctant to agree to move along the street in other slings), and so, I can tell you, besides large hypermarkets, the entrance to other stores / pharmacies / mail was closed. I simply did not fit in with this colossus on wheels, I did not squeeze through the doors, I interfered with everyone, I could not walk along the food rows.
What is more convenient here - with a stroller or a sling? :)
Well, here's how here, for example, you will pass with a stroller
And yet, my then non-climbing boy, all the time strove to jump out of the carriage, hanging over its side. At the same time, he was not sitting yet (Yegor sat down very late, only a year), so I was scared to use the sitting unit of the stroller, we rode in a cradle. And at that very time, I suffered so much that I could not walk in our beloved forest! Because you simply cannot get there with a stroller. And as soon as Yegorush again agreed to sit in a sling, I was happy! All the roads where the wheel of any wheelchair all-terrain vehicle cannot pass again became open to us..
It is more convenient to walk in the forest in winter without a stroller
I like to walk in the woods, but here you can't go with a stroller
How often do I see the same picture on the street - a struggling toddler in a stroller and an unhappy mother desperately shaking this stroller in different directions. And how simple it would be - took the baby out of the stroller, pressed it to her in a sling, he would immediately calm down and fall asleep.
Well, and a small stone for lovers of progress and those who really want to protect the strollers. Personally, I always love to look back and see how it was customary to do various things many hundreds of years ago. Because, it seems to me, over time, in pursuit of progress, we miss and forget something very important, natural and most correct. You knew, for example, that those vaunted cradles for the little ones appeared only at the end of the 19th century, that is, not so long ago. And at first they used them very rarely and by no means all. It only now seems incredible to have a child and at the same time not to have several different means of transporting this little man in the arsenal, and before the question did not arise how to move with the baby - they always carried it on themselves! From time immemorial, mothers carried babies on themselves.
But still, to be completely honest, I confess that we ourselves have as many as two strollers, one of which we hardly used (only last summer, when Yegorush had a period of complete rejection of the sling (yes, and This happens)), and we use the second one periodically now, rather like a cart, when on the way from a walk we think to go to the store and then do not want to carry on ourselves a very heavy boy and a full backpack with groceries. And in general, according to my observations, very many already grown up swallowers do not mind to go for a drive themselves, sit in other people's strollers or beg from their parents in the store, but at the same time they have already managed to get their mother's warmth and love in full, become independent (much more independent, than their peers - wheelchair users) and perceive this product of human progress rather as an attraction and entertainment.
One jacket for two
If you wear a baby in a sling under a slingokurt in winter, you do not need to wear tolmuds of clothes on him, because he is warmed by the common warmth with his mother (yes, and his mother too). At the same time, if a mother enters a store or another room, she just needs to unbutton her jacket, and the baby will not sweat like he would sweat if he was lying / sitting in his winter suit in a stroller.
One jacket for two
Mommy has a bosom so warm and cozy to sleep
Also, in order not to buy a whole baby sling jacket, some mothers purchase special inserts for a sling, which are cunningly attached to ordinary jackets, as if increasing them so that a baby can fit there, and thus turn them into baby sling jackets. And in the fall, you can use a slingon jacket instead of a slingokut (although there are demi-season babywearing jackets, but in my opinion, a slingonakid is more convenient).
In a slingon cape, neither rain, nor wind, nor cold is scary.
Great helper in establishing breastfeeding
In general, the art of breastfeeding (breastfeeding) is a separate big, difficult story, about which it is also possible (and necessary!) To speak in detail. But the article is not about that. It's just that with this, it would seem, the most natural and simple process, well, very often certain difficulties arise, especially if the mother is scared that she has «little milk». And this is where our hero comes to the rescue - any correct sling!
Why does he help? Because in order to produce enough milk, it is necessary that there is as much physical contact between the baby and the mother as possible. And the success of GV depends on how often the mask is applied to the chest (the more often, the better). In the baby sling, the baby has 24-hour free access to his delicious «fortunately», he eats when he wants, at any time and in any place, and as much as he wants, without interfering with his mother going about her business and without taking her hands off.
You can even breastfeed in a sling on the go
Anyway, proper milk production is due to the coordinated work of certain hormones (prolactin and oxytocin). Oxytocin is a hormone of pleasure and joy, it is very often produced when a mother looks at her beloved treasure, when she takes it in her arms, kisses it, etc. And if a mother often carries her child in her arms (= in a sling), which means she often sees and hugs her baby, and most importantly, if she experiences positive emotions from this, she constantly produces the same hormone of joy that stimulates the outflow milk.
Breastfeeding in a sling is very convenient
If you are shy, you can hide under a light scarf.
Cons of wearing a sling
Lest you think that I here fanatically urge everyone to throw out their strollers and urgently wind the children in slings forever, I will briefly tell you about the inconveniences that this wonderful device caused me personally..
- in summer it can be hot, if it's +30 outside, and if your sling is too tight, windproof and does not have silk / linen / hemp in its composition
- from the long wearing of an already grown-up boy, my back is already beginning to ache (but my son still does not walk and it would be even more difficult to carry him in his arms)
- not with all sleeping children in a sling it is possible to bend over so that he does not wake up; it is difficult to put on shoes and lace up, it is difficult to lift something if something has fallen
- in the same way, it is not possible to sit down with all sleeping children in a sling, for some reason many of them immediately wake up from this; it can be difficult to transport because of this
- closer to a year, some children begin to have such a trick - they fall asleep in a sling, but after half an hour they begin to wake up (either something is numb, or just want to change the position) and if they are not laid out on a smoother surface, I can finally wake up and take a long time make a scandal, and if you post them, they sleep calmly further (but this is not the case for everyone)
- if the baby is tied in front, although the hands of the mother are free, but still not everything is convenient to do with them, you cannot reach everything
- limited view, you do not always see what you are stepping on and what is under your feet
- in winter, you can slip and fall with your child (but this is solved by using special devices for shoes - ice shoes or proper shoes with non-slip soles)
With all of the above, I remain true to this unique invention of humanity. For me, all these disadvantages are negligible compared to the advantages that babywearing gives me and my son.