First of all, I would like to know the opinion of other bloggers on this matter. We all face trolling sooner or later, even novice bloggers, and even those who blog purely for the soul and write there once a year.
Where the trolls come from, I have no idea, perhaps it has something to do with upbringing, culture, and ultimately the past of our country. And although according to some statements of my friends (I myself am not very aware) that there are much fewer such personalities in the bourgeoisie per square megabit, I have a feeling that they are found everywhere, in any country. Human nature is apparently such that, under certain conditions, it gives rise to a troll.
The content of the article
Who are the trolls
Surely, everyone knows, but I will explain. Trolls are individuals who are constantly in a state of disharmony with this world and are fueled by human negativity. It seems to me that most of them are mentally unstable people, of whom there are plenty in our world, because it is far from perfect. A small part is those who are simply amused by it, or paid, whose goal is to create as large a wave as possible and direct it in a certain direction..
Here I would also include those who do not know how to express their opinions culturally. Apparently, it happens like this: a person sees an opinion on some website that is different from his own, and his roof immediately goes like a bull at the sight of a red rag, opponents become inhumans / fools / unfaithful and he goes to them on a verbal crusade, applying all his knowledge of the transition to the individual and trying to hurt the quick. Probably, he thinks that in this way he will save the sinful soul of the enemy from heresy. This does not always happen rudely, but if the main desire is to convince «idiot» and explain that he is mistaken, then this is already trolling.
In a Buddhist temple, a very revealing miniature, just for trolls
There are also hidden trolls. They are less common, but with experience you can recognize them by the very first message. Usually, just the first message is normal, but with a certain hidden hint. With the further promotion of a person, by asking questions, what was really meant, the rest of the stream of skillfully hidden g ... a poured out on you. The motive for stretching the pleasure is not entirely clear to me, because in their place I would dump everything at once 🙂 But apparently the most important thing is to involve them in the dialogue, and then arrange a skirmish. The blogger can take it as a rule to ask a security question, you never know made a mistake, and only then to ignore. It's funny that some do not immediately leave, and then for another week or month they bother with messages in a personal message, try to send comments from other IPs and under different nicknames. Although it would seem, what do they care.
Why I care about this topic
This is a natural question. The fact is that when you write simply about Thailand and about your travels, then the maximum what kind of negative you will get is that you made a mistake in the article about whether you wrote that this or that beach / city / country is the best, or else something like that. Yes, even the most harmless topics are called holy war. But as soon as the author starts writing about personal topics, then there are much more opportunities to get to the bottom. And it is obvious that when they write to you something more personal, about a child, about a wife, about your weaknesses, then you will be much more upset about it..
I will not hide, I am still offended by arrivals, because I am open, there is a lot of information about me, and it is quite easy to shit in my soul. While I know absolutely nothing about my opponent, except for a faceless email and a nickname. Unequal conditions are obtained. Therefore, I perfectly understand those people who lead a hidden social life, do not post photos, write very little about themselves on the website or in social networks..
And such a very interesting moment turns out - you get tired of defending yourself and defending your views on life. Why did someone decide that if I told about them, then it means I must still defend them. Although I'm just telling and don't force anyone to live like that, God forbid, I don't need it at all. Yes, and if you think so, if I hadn't blogged, then in my life there would not have been so many controversies and criticism. With whom to argue? With friends / relatives, I don’t need to, I don’t walk the streets and I don’t look for opponents, I don’t enter into discussions on forums. In general, a quiet and calm peaceful life. In real life, my environment is 10 people in total, and on the blog 6000 comes every day 🙂 In addition, it is better to listen to criticism from close people, only they really know you and see the full picture, and not from some stranger, who read a couple of posts (or even just the title) and became an expert about you. And in general, what a manner of pointing and climbing, where they are not asked ...
I am also amused by carts about publicity. Like, if you posted something on the network, then you are obliged to listen to other opinions. To whom is it obliged and why? Tell me, who in their right mind would post an article on the Internet in order to find enemies or criticism? It is obvious that the authors of personal blogs are looking for like-minded people! Obviously, it is with like-minded people that you want to create a club of interests and grind related topics. Obviously, since you are writing on a personal blog, in your personal space (and not on a forum with 100,500 users), then this is exactly what you want, and it is with this very personal opinion that you limit the audience. Imagine, people are sitting in a cafe discussing an upcoming hike to the mountains, and then a stranger comes up to them and says that he passed by, heard their conversation, and they do not understand anything in this life at all, there are only 5 stars all inclusive, and hikes for the rogues. A delusional situation, isn't it? Probably, they are not fools, since they are discussing the trip, they probably need it for some reason, they are probably adults with an already held opinion.
Trolls pump Zen
Life is life, and in order not to happen in the world, you have to somehow live with it. The top bloggers on LiveJournal have trolls «our everything», because the more there are, the closer the TOP. It is enough just to become scandalous or start writing on hot topics, and popularity / earnings are provided in a couple of years. In the field of individual blogs (like ours), comments do not bring any TOPs, none at all. And why then are negative comments and non-constructive criticism necessary if there is no sense from them? I asked several bloggers what to do. It turned out that someone is facing the same problem, and someone, on the contrary, did not understand why it soars me, they say, you ignore / ban and that's it.
You can stop writing personal or disable comments. However, this is not an option, because the very formation of a community of interests is taking place. The only pity is that in real life it is impossible to meet as often as we would like. Some write, invite to visit, and for sure there are those who do not call, but also do not mind talking. Eh, guys would hold some joint events. It's so great when there is a big friendly company, sometimes we really do not have enough communication of interests, lively and deep (when it is not the first meeting with a person and not the second). Maybe a little later, when Egor grows up, we will get out more in real life..
So, my advice to novice bloggers is that your blog is yours, your rules are on it, ban / delete, weed out all unnecessary. Do not get involved in skirmishes, do not waste your precious time, it is better to spend it with your family or friends. An adequate person who has no desire to convince you at any cost will always express his opinion normally and you will have a wonderful dialogue. Checked more than once on this blog! Remember, it is impossible to please all people without exception, you will lose your individuality. The main thing is to ban / delete with a cold heart 🙂 After all, trolls are a great way to pump Zen!
P.S. Ignore is a great thing! After I was released and stopped clinging, almost all the trolls disappeared somewhere right away 🙂
P.P.S. Alternatively, do not write anything personal at all and focus on information, creating a purely informational community. This path is perfect for those who do not want to tie their resource to the personality of the author, but this will no longer be quite a blog..