Kathu Falls in Phuket - an abandoned attraction
Kathu Falls in Phuket is generally a pleasant place. I say this because if you pay attention to the details and nuances, then questions about the content of a tourist attraction arise, from which «how can you be lazy» or «is there really no money for cleaning» - the most harmless. Yes, there is no sense of a prayerful tourist attraction when everything is on stream: paid parking, walking elephants, trinkets are sold at every corner at exorbitant prices, and crowds of Chinese are running around everywhere - there is no such thing on Kata. Obviously, the place was created on a large scale, and then abandoned..
The content of the article
Kathu Waterfal
If this is a private territory, as is often the case in Thailand, then it is quite possible that the owner either lost interest in the process, or died. Actually, therefore, the stairs throughout the entire territory of the site are already mossy, and a fallen tree lies across the stairs near the waterfall. I do not exclude that once upon a time they could take money for the entrance, although now it is no longer clear what to take there for. A lot of ugly cement details, a track through a wet jungle, a dubious aesthetic value of the waterfall itself - a place, to put it mildly, not for everybody.
Kathu Falls is located near Patong, it is easy to drive here, it is not difficult to get to the waterfall itself (if you are in more or less decent physical shape) and you can come here to walk in the jungle or swim in fresh water. First of all, you will get to the parking lot, where you will leave the bike and immediately behind the parking there is a concrete, good staircase, wide and with handrails. It looks very colorful against the background of the jungle, due to the fact that it is overgrown with moss and grass, and the cement can be seen that it is already old and green.
Climbing the stairs will take about 10-15 minutes, although the speed depends on your physical data. Approximately in the middle of the path there will be a fairly large ennobled area with two sala (these are gazebos without walls and with roofs) and a small waterfall, about five meters high. Water accumulates in a concrete tank, from which valves protrude. Not aesthetically pleasing at all, it is possible that this reservoir is used as a source of water for nearby houses.
Waterfall parking
We go up the stairs to the waterfall
To the left to the Katu waterfall, to the right up the riverbed
Kathu Falls, Phuket
Kathu waterfall in Phuket
If you go even higher, then there will already be a wild waterfall, no more than ten meters high - here you can already swim. Also, on the way to the Katu waterfall, in one place you will come across a path that leads to the river, and there will also be a font..
So that you understand: the ladder goes along the river bed all the time. I want to say right away that the fonts are shallow, so swimming is loudly said, rather to plunge and freshen up, but definitely not to jump with a fish. After the extreme waterfall, which I described, the staircase goes even higher, but it no longer makes sense to go up there, because after a short interval it ends in a dead end. The path turns into a dirt path and it seems that there is a hope that you are about to finally see a really good waterfall, but there is nothing at all - just a river bed, a font, stones and water. You can take a walk if you are in the mood, but don't expect to see anything special..
Font along the way
Another staircase leads from the stairs to the wild cascade, but already down
Kathu in Phuket
We go even higher
After 5 minutes, the trail ends
But I'm stubborn, went even further
A couple of minutes and this is such a nice place
Why did they make the stairs further and cut the path - I don't know. Maybe they planned to spend it even further, perhaps in the depths of the mountains there is another cascade.
There is such a moment that it makes sense to watch this waterfall after the rains. Because he is already short and thin. During the heat, it is most likely a sad sight. I was at Katu Falls not during the driest time, but not during the monsoon season. Therefore, what he is, you can see in the photos..
Information to visit
Free admission, parking too.
In total, for the entire visit, if you don't slow down anywhere, it will take about half an hour. If you want to sit somewhere else to relax - then more.
The territory is densely covered with jungle, so it is very hot and humid on the trail, it is worth taking water with you. Snakes, monitor lizards and spiders are common along the way. After the rainy season, landslides occur, the trail can be blocked or washed out, trees are often filled up, blocking the passage. If you walk through the jungle, carefully look at your feet and in front of you. Step on a scorpion or face a spider the size of your head is easy.
On the map
Katu Waterfall
Katu Waterfall
It is located exactly here, for some reason on the maps it is 1 km to the left of meters.
More about the waterfall.
It is located here, for some reason on the maps it is 1 km to the left of meters..