It is impossible not to fall in love with Kiev at first sight. This is an amazing city that you can open anew every time and so on until the end and not recognize it, because there will always be some secluded corner, where there is still a lot of interesting things left..
The left bank of Kiev is left to the mercy of two large residential areas and an industrial zone, which fell into decay along with the decline of the Union. But it was on the Left Bank that still «Khrushchev courtyards», planted with lilac bushes, with benches in front of each entrance, where at night discordant boyish voices sound loudly to the sound of guitars. It is here that linen is still hung on the street, and the ubiquitous Anna Nikolaevna knows everything about everyone and sitting on the benches «directly look after» for the third generation of children.
Kiev pastorals
Real estate here is not very expensive, although you will still overpay for a house that has been standing since 1960 without renovation, even if you buy an apartment in perfect condition. But renting an apartment in Kiev for daily rent in the area of Old Darnitsa is very profitable - it costs a little cheaper than in a panel house, although in terms of comfort it is not much inferior to it.
Kiev hotels located on the Left Bank are few. This is, first of all, «Bratislava», conveniently located near the metro station, so many visitors stop here to spend the night, and in the morning they will go about their business without any problems. AND «Slapvutich», standing on the Dnieper embankment. The hotels were built back in Soviet times, so they are distinguished by enviable monumentalism, somewhat resembling a beehive. Recently, the hotels have been rebuilt, but basically these alterations did not fundamentally change these hotels..
The right bank of Kiev is its heart. It is here that there are those places that are mentioned in the ancient legend about the city and which once saw the famous princes of the past, Yaroslav the Wise, Vladimir Krasnoe Solnyshko, Monomakh. It is from these slopes that the Orthodox faith originates..
Naturally, for such «zest» you have to pay extra, so very wealthy people can rent an apartment for daily rent in these places, since both old and new houses have apartments that cannot be found in many hotels.
In general, one way or another, Kiev will find you a place to spend the night, but maybe you won't need it, because night Kiev is very different from daytime, and you also need to get to know it!