Lagonaki plateau - autumn beauty 2000 meters

Let's digress from the topic of elections and better see what beauties we have in Russia, otherwise you can go crazy with this movement. Whether it's a mountain, you can really feel who you are, what you are, why you live, feel the passage of time. It does not always work out, of course, but something changes inside for sure.

One of the most remarkable places in the Caucasus is the Lagonaki (Lago-naki) plateau, about 2000 meters high. The views are stunning there. Interestingly, at least someone turned out to be indifferent? Initially, we thought to take a walk somewhere with backpacks and a tent, but the weather turned out to be not flying at all: strong cold wind, rain, hail. And besides, the sky is almost constantly covered with clouds. So we just went up there by car and took pictures. I hope someday we go hiking through the mountains to the sea from Lagonaki to Dagomys.

The asphalt road to the very top attracts whole crowds of visitors, most of whom come by sightseeing buses from the Black Sea coast. In October it was calm here, the season was already over, the vacationers left, the rhythm slowed down. Once upon a time, I was already here, just among the sightseers, but only the Azish cave remained in my memory, and a dozen photographs of terrible quality from a film soap dish. It seems to me that it is great that anyone who does not even like hiking can be at such a height and enjoy the mountain views. I don't know if we have something similar in our country. As I understand it, this road was initially started to be built in order to bring it somewhere in the direction of Sochi, and then the project was abandoned and the project was frozen. So the road essentially leads nowhere..

Lagonaki plateau photo from the trip

Roads like in Europe

Roads like in Europe

Roads like in Europe

Roads like in Europe

Chisinau rapids

Chisinau rapids

Red stones in a granite canyon

Guzeripl - land is more expensive than in the Moscow region

Guzeripl - multi-colored bridge

Red-yellow shades

White River Canyon

On the way to the Lagonaki Plateau

On the way to the Lagonaki Plateau

On the way to the Lagonaki Plateau

Interesting house design

Base of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

Autumn mountains

Autumn mountains

Looking into the distance

Visiting artists

Visiting artists

Easel in the mountains

Ribbons for memory

Ribbons for memory

Stone slopes

Pines, stones and species

Awesome views of Lagonaki between hail

Awesome views of Lagonaki between hail

Awesome views of Lagonaki between hail

Double rainbow in the mountains

View from the Lagonaki plateau to the surroundings

Cloudy and cold

View from the Lagonaki plateau to the surroundings

View from the Lagonaki plateau to the surroundings

There is snow on the tops

We ended up on the Lagonaki plateau thanks to an invitation from Elena Demena, about whom I already wrote in my article How to move to live in a village or become a fossil hunter. It's still good to live in the mountains, if we do not finally leave to live in Asia and other countries, then we will definitely exchange our «favourite» metropolis in a quiet place in the countryside, somewhere in the foothills.