My main post with impressions and useful information about concentration camp Auschwitz, read the link. And here are photos from the Auschwitz 2 camp or, as it is also called, Auschwitz-Birkenau. Let me remind you that Auschwitz is a Polish city that the Germans renamed Auschwitz during the war. In Auschwitz there is a complex of two concentration camps Auschwitz I and Auschwitz II, located a couple of kilometers from each other. Auschwitz's photos 1.
The Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp was built immediately as an extermination camp, while Auschwitz 1 was more of a labor camp. So, they built it on a grand scale: an area with a huge area, divided into several sectors, 4 crematoria, combined with gas chambers. The first section was commissioned in 1942, the second in 43-44, the third began to be built in 44, but did not finish, the fourth did not have time to start. What would have happened if the war ended later, it's scary to imagine.
There is much less to see with the eyes (no prisoners' belongings, no exhibitions), compared to Auschwitz 1, but much more can be «feel» feet. It takes at least two hours to walk around the entire camp, looking into the reconstruction of the barracks, stopping to look at the ruins of blown up crematoria, or reading the inscriptions on the stands, and you will have to walk pretty quickly. The scale of the factory for processing people is amazing ... Someone purposefully sat and developed such a complex, the sole purpose of which was to destroy as much as possible, cheaper and more efficiently.
Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp - the gate of death
Auschwitz-Birkenau has a huge territory
People were brought here in such cars, 50-100 people inside
The railway gate of death from within
Unloading from the train, most of them were immediately sent to the gas chambers
Ruins of the blown up crematorium
People are waiting for their turn in the gas chamber
Most of the buildings have not survived, as they were wooden
Residential brick barrack of the women's camp
There are several people on each tier
Very weak stove heating
Bunks around the perimeter
Inside you can try to feel what it was like to live here
We washed ourselves with cold water
Memorial in memory of the victims, tablets in several languages
Some of the visitors brought stones from afar
On the outskirts of Auschwitz-Birkenau
Wastewater treatment plant in Birkenau
Wastewater treatment plant in Birkenau
Sauna building next to the Canada sector
Guards move around the camp on segways
Guards move around the camp on segways
In place of one of the barracks under glass are household items (sector Canada)
Ruins of another crematorium in Auschwitz-Birkenau
Several wooden barracks have been recreated in Auschwitz-Birkenau, most of them closed to the public. Reconstruction work continues. Inside, everything is about the same as inside the brick barracks, but I suppose that living in them was even harder. Heating alone is worth it, stoves with long chimneys along the entire room gave very little heat, given the cracks in the walls. Could live in each barracks for 1000 people.
Photo of real wooden barracks
Reconstruction of Birkenau wooden barracks
Inside the wooden barque bunks and long chimneys of the stove heating
Toilet reconstruction
Post-apocalyptic landscape at Auschwitz-Birkenau
A lot of visitors are coming to the camp now ...