Sleeping on hives with bees - apitherapy in Krasnodar
Recently I was invited to try apitherapy and test sleep on bee hives. Sounds like it? I had never heard of this before, so naturally I agreed. Interestingly, the more passed by. The place where there are two apiterems is located near Krasnodar in an ecovillage and I was on my way (I was going to Sochi). Surely, you also do not know anything about sleeping on bees, so I'll tell you about my impressions..
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Sleeping on hives with bees
When I posted a photo from the apitherem on the social network, one of the most important questions was whether bees bite. As far as I know, in apitherapy there is also such a procedure with bites, but it has nothing to do with apytherapy. The house is made in such a way that you cannot come into contact with bees. In fact, you sleep on an ordinary bed in an ordinary house, and the bees are under you. That is, the hives are built into the bed and there is access to them only from the outside of the house, the bee cannot fly inside in any way. You can meet her only on the street and then if you come too close to the place where she flies. So everything is safe.
Apiterem outside
Beehives are built on the sides
Bees can fly in and out only here
Two beds, inside each of the same hives
Apitherem bed - sleeping on the hives
I will not talk about what the therapeutic effect (sleep) is, you can read on the Internet yourself about apitherapy and bees, a topic known both in Russia and abroad. As I understand it, the meaning is in the healing air, bee biofield and microvibrations. Indeed, the smell, either honey or propolis, is present, I will not tell you anything about the biofield, but I listened to microvibrations all night. As soon as my head touched the pillow, or rather, when I turned on my side (my ear leaned against the pillow), I heard them! The hum of the swarm, so calm, not loud. But you know, at first it somehow reminded me of the sound of a train traveling somewhere in the distance. And then there was a feeling that I myself was driving on rails, since the bed was narrow (I got used to an orthopedic mattress 2 meters wide at home) and looked like a shelf in a compartment. Only here the measured tapping was not enough to complete the picture. I doubt anyone will have the same feeling, maybe I just missed trains.
The complex consists of two houses, a gazebo, a camping tent-kitchen (there is a gas stove and drinking water) and a toilet with a shower. Everything is simple, no electricity or modern conveniences. Initially, it was designed for this that those who are tired of civilization and just want to spend time alone with nature, turning off all their gadgets, will come. The place in this regard is very suitable, almost in the forest, the silence is concrete.
I see an alternative only in camping, you can get even more privacy. But again, it is not always possible to immediately find a pleasant and clean place near the city, as a rule, everything is crap if you can drive up there by car (I remember our suburbs). In addition, it is convenient that there will be a gas stove, some kind of toilet and water from a well, and a bed instead of foam and a sleeping bag. That is, it is more comfortable than just in a tent in the forest, a kind of intermediate option.
If you are suddenly interested, you can go to the website of the Apiterem complex, there is a price, booking and other information.
Apiterem near Krasnodar
The territory is small
Kitchen in a tent
There is a gas stove, drinking water, washbasin,
Around the forest
Toilet and shower
River Shebsch flows 20 meters away
On the map
Apiterem - sleep on the hives
Apiterem - sleep on the hives
Apiterem is a small complex of two houses where you can sleep on hives built into the bed.
More details.
Apiterem is a small complex of two houses where you can sleep on hives built into the bed. More details.
About ecovillages and recreation centers
I already wrote on the blog several times about ecovillages, you can read. Apiterem is located in the village of Fairy Tale, and there is another one nearby - Zdravoye. But by and large, having arrived there, you will not see anything so unusual, just houses are on large plots, and there is a forest / field around. Well, this is me if you are expecting something like that :) It so happened that I have many acquaintances in completely different circles, including in ecovillages, although I myself am very unlikely to live there. But I love the idea of living closer to nature in my home..
House of organizers of apiterem
It's pretty cute inside
It's pretty cute inside
I was given a taste of coffee made from acorns of my own production
The area in the ecovillage Fairy Land
The terrain in the ecovillage Zdravoye
Once upon a time, I also thought about leaving the city and making a small recreation center for those who are tired of the hustle and bustle like me. Build houses, put up a bathhouse, come up with some simple entertainment such as riding a horse or bicycle. But then it seemed to me that no one would want to go somewhere out of town, just for the sake of being in silence in the bosom of nature.
Now I see that there are people who are tired of the city and there are quite a few of them. I, as a resident of a metropolis, and I myself sometimes feel like going out of town and for good money just to be in nature for a couple of days in a pleasant place to reboot. I agree, many have summer cottages, but I don't have them yet. In addition, not every summer cottage is also suitable, 6 acres surrounded by another 500 of the same plots, from which music and shouts of cheerful walking companies can be heard, in general, there is never silence and not nature.
P.S. By the way, I still haven't abandoned this idea with the recreation center. Only she has already changed to something like «coworking in nature» or «live with friends in a cottage community». That is, so that there is an Internet, comfortable conditions, friends and acquaintances, and at the same time, so that nature is near :)