Bang Pae waterfall in Phuket - the largest in Phuket
There are not many waterfalls in Phuket, in principle, not to mention some large-scale sights that amaze the eye and ears. Therefore, initially it makes sense to consider Phuket waterfalls rather simply as a place to walk in the forest, but with a bonus - swimming in fresh water. Definitely, you shouldn't expect an unusual sight from Bangpae. If you want really high waterfalls and impressive views, then this is for you to go to the north of Thailand, where there are kilometer-long mountains and one-hundred-meter waterfalls. However, with all that said, the Bangpe waterfall in Phuket is considered one of the largest.
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Bang Pae waterfall
The height of the Bangpae Waterfall is only 15 meters, but this is not just a figure, but fifteen meters of sheer falling water, unlike most waterfalls in Phuket, which look like a cascade bubbling over large stones. In simple terms, Bangpe waterfall is a classic of the genre, which looks very beautiful in the photo and live, it has a bathing pool, and in general, in terms of its merits, it deserves a separate visit. From the parking lot, walk along the path along the river bed for literally ten minutes, at a leisurely pace.
I note that the trail is not difficult, periodically with uphill climbs, partially covered, so a person with any physical fitness can cope with trekking. As I said, it makes sense to consider a visit just as a walk in the jungle, although if you have already been to a similar place before, for example at Kathu waterfall , or somewhere on Koh Samui, it will be all the same. The same jungle and river. That is, if this 15-meter waterfall is the largest here in Phuket, then you need to understand what kind of waterfalls there are on the island..
Since the trail goes along the river bed, along the way you will come across fonts of different depths and you will see for yourself which of them are bathing and which are not. I give a hint - everything is trampled around the bathing houses. By the way, while I remembered - the road to the sight passes through the valley, which is densely planted with rubber plantations. Keep in mind that if you go a savage, then you should not wander into the hevea planting once again - snakes love to hang out there. And also, on the way to Bang Pae waterfall, there is an elephant farm where you can feed and ride elephants. Considering the nuances of raising and training elephants, as well as their torn ears and hundreds of small scars on the head from the driver's hook, these rides are not for an amateur, to which I do not belong.

The road to the side of the waterfall is very beautiful

There are such authentic houses along the way.
Parking in front of the ticket booth
There is a nice lake near the parking lot
The path is completely ennobled
At the end of the trail you will run into a waterfall, there is only one here, and there is a font near it. Moreover, in the place where the water falls, the depth is more than two meters (not in the dry season, of course). Around this place - up to the waist. And the baptismal font is quite narrow, you cannot jump there in a large crowd, and since there are a lot of tourists here, you yourself understand that you are not in danger of swimming in splendid isolation. On the way, there are more pleasant and comfortable places in terms of swimming. But it is in this, and only in one place, there is a waterfall where you can partially stand under the falling water.
I would also like to note that if you purposefully came here to swim and spend time culturally, do not forget about decency. This is the south of Thailand, there are many Muslims for whom swimming topless or in overly revealing swimsuits can be a shock, even calling the police. This place is popular not only among tourists. Thais come to Bangpe in large numbers, and they usually spend picnics in the family circle and with children. Despite the stupid prejudices, they should be reckoned with, because we are the tourists here, not they.
Almost reached the waterfall
Bangpe waterfall in Phuket
Baptismal font at Bangpe waterfall
Bang Pae waterfall is the largest in Phuket
At the waterfall the end of the trail, like you can't go further
There is a gibbon rehabilitation center in front of the waterfall entrance, I did not get there, but judging by the reviews there is nothing special to watch, at best you will see gibbons from afar, no one is allowed near. Gibbons are confiscated from smugglers, illegal zoos and simply from owners who abuse animals. Of the sixteen species on the planet, four species of gibbons are found naturally in Thailand..
The rehabilitation center does not charge admission fees, but does not refuse donations and offers a guardianship service that will cost you THB 1,500 per year.
Information to visit
Entrance to the area with Bang Pae waterfall costs 200 baht. But I arrived at 16-45 and did not pay anything to anyone - there was no ticket collector in the booth, and it was not only me that was so lucky. Consider this a life hack for the budget conscious. Moreover, at five in the evening there are already few people here, the sun is almost invisible - it is behind the mountain. Well, in general - cool, good, refreshing.
The gibbon center is open from 9 to 16-30 except Saturday, and the waterfall is open to the entrance from 9 to 17, but in fact I left at 18, and people were still walking towards, that is, nothing closes there and you can even come safely early in the morning.
On the map
Bangpe Waterfall in Phuket is located in the northeastern part of the island. If you come here from all the beaches, then moving towards the airport, before reaching the monument to the sisters-heroines, you must turn right to the east coast. Google knows this place, and the navigator will guide you. Well, along the way, you will come across signs that are difficult to slip past..
Bangpae Waterfall
Bangpae Waterfall
The largest waterfall in Phuket, the water in it falls down from a 15-meter height. On the way to the waterfall, you can look into the gibbon nursery.
More about the waterfall.
The largest waterfall in Phuket, the water in it falls down from a 15-meter height. On the way to the waterfall, you can look into the gibbon nursery..