To the top of Iremel - a tourist hike
According to some sources, translated from Bashkir Iremel is «Sacred» or «Magic» mountain, according to other sources - from the ancient Türkic this word is translated as «a place that empowers a person». In general, both are true, as it seemed to me.
We decided to make this small tourist trip to the top of Big Iremel thanks to our friend who lives in those parts and adores his native places. He was our inspiration, guide and, one might say, mentor.
And so, one fine June morning, a team of five people arrived in the glorious city of Chelyabinsk to go on our next journey from there. We knew that to get to the start of the route to Mount Iremel, which is located in the village. Tyulyuk, more convenient from the railway. Vyazovaya station, but it so happened that we had to go from Chelyabinsk.
From the Southern bus station we drove to the town of Trekhgorny, where our beloved friend was already waiting for us. The entrance to the city itself is only by passes, so we stocked up food in advance in Chelyabinsk. Bus from Trekhgorny to the village. Tyulyuk does not go every day, so we called a taxi right at the checkpoint. The road took us about half an hour, at least for conversations and discussions so it seemed to us.
And so the taxi stops and drops us off in the village. Tuluk at the wooden gate of the recreation center «Rose of Wind». We didn't immediately understand what was the matter. It turned out that our friend decided to arrange a surprise for us and agreed with the owner of the base so that we could take a steam bath in their wonderful bathhouse. Since this was far from the first day of our long trip, such a surprise was very welcome..
The bathhouse was amazing! A real spacious log house, every time we steamed, we ran out of the bathhouse and plunged into the icy river that was across the road.
And so, clean, rested from the road and happy, we decided to continue our hiking trip to Iremel. Before leaving, our faithful guide gave us a short briefing. How to protect yourself from ticks: lower the legs, lift the socks, tuck the trousers into the socks, put on hats and, most importantly, do not be afraid, there are not so many of them here. Bringing ourselves to full combat readiness, we hit the road.

Iremel. Tourist hike.
We walked for a long time, sometimes climbing very strongly uphill, sometimes almost over gentle terrain. Magnificent pictures of the Ural nature replaced each other. It is difficult to describe what exactly, but the Ural forest is very different from the one near Moscow. One of the main differences between places on Iremel, in addition to the vegetation itself, are the so-called «stone rivers». These are accumulations of stones constantly slowly descending under their own weight from the slopes down the hollows. A very beautiful natural phenomenon!

Iremel. Stone river.
The higher we climbed, the closer we got to the top of Iremel, the more nature changed. It seemed that the local forest is like a layered cake: the differences in vegetation and sensations are quite noticeable at each level. At first, the forest seemed to just meet and get to know us, and then accepted and smiled at us. We had a serious halt only once in a clearing with a large stone warmed by the sun. The rest of the times we just stopped by the mountain streams to collect water in small bottles (it didn't make sense to fill in large ones, since the streams were very common). What extraordinary is this water of Iremel! So delicious, clean, cold!
Iremel. Nature.
Towards the end of our route to Iremel, we came to an extraordinary clearing: it seemed that nature had stopped here or simply decided to lag behind the general flow of time and the change of seasons by several months. Our hiking trip took place in the middle of summer, and it seemed that spring was just beginning in this meadow! Little green leaves have just appeared on the birches, the grass underfoot is so soft, young and fresh! Why time stood still in this place, we did not understand, but it was interesting to make this little journey into the past..
One of the most striking impressions of this tourist trip was a flat plateau, from which a magnificent view of the Iremel mountains and the rest of the ensemble of mountains and forests of the Southern Urals opens up. Despite the fact that it was quite windy, I didn't want to leave at all. But it was already evening, it was necessary to have time to set up camp and cook dinner.
Iremel. Nature.
Iremel. Views.
We reached the foot of a rocky mountain peak and set up camp. The Summit of Big Iremel itself is like a pile of boulders. In general, this whole place is saturated with the magic of time, the magic of antiquity. I never thought that the age of the mountains can be felt! It turns out you can. But it is very difficult to describe in words these feelings. The presence of something is felt, but rather even someone, very wise, majestic, powerful.
Mount Iremel.
Iremel. Vertex.
It got dark and the cold air with our fatigue quickly dispersed us to tents and sleeping bags.
Morning at Iremel. More than fresh. We wash in a cold stream, have breakfast and go to the top of the ancient owner of these marvelous places, Iremel. We left our backpacks with tents below and went up light. It turned out that climbing the piled stones, many of which are almost your size, if not more, is quite simple and fun. Although when some obstinate pebble began to move unexpectedly underfoot, it became uncomfortable.
Iremel. On the top.
We got to the top of Iremel and were stunned by the open spaces and beauty that opened to our eyes! Indeed, our tourist trip was not in vain! At first, we simply admired the views of the South Ural Mountains, then our enthusiasm was replaced by a desire to separate. Somehow without saying a word, everyone dispersed along the rocky area of the Iremel mountain peak. Someone went to the very edge, lay down on a stone hanging over the cliff, and looked into the sky, someone sat down nearby and began to peer into the distance, someone went to take pictures, someone took pictures, someone decided to go around the entire site peaks of Iremel around the perimeter, someone read the inscriptions on the stones left by tourists who want to capture themselves in eternity. Everyone had some kind of unusual state and sensations. I really wanted to sing ...
Iremel. On the top.
Stones with patterns from millennial lichens, man-made tours, magnificent views of the surrounding forests and mountains, the presence of antiquity, wisdom, experience accumulated over the centuries ...
Iremel. On the top.
I didn't want to leave. But sooner or later it had to be done - we were guided by the time of departure from the village. Tuluk bus that runs only once a day.
It turned out to be a little more difficult to descend than to ascend. Then everything happened somehow quickly. Such vivid emotions were at the top of Iremel that all thoughts were still there. We walked back rather quickly, trying to catch the bus. We ran along strong slopes - it was fun.
We got on the bus. It was slightly overcrowded, but overcrowded with very kind, helpful people. In tight quarters, but not offended, we safely reached the station. Elm.
Interestingly, on the way back, I mentally returned to the top once again. «Sacred mountain», and suddenly one very important realization came to me, or rather the answer to a question that had tormented me for a long time, but suddenly decided somehow by itself. Thanks, Iremel!..
Iremel. Views.
Iremel. Views.