Traveling plankton or how I accidentally became a blogger

Watching the last post about downshifting (which is not quite downshifting), revived the blog a little and showed that we still have readers :) It was very cool to read your comments, and I will even write a post about this a little later (or Daria), but I did not want to say about this. The funny thing is that everyone expects from me some kind of business, entrepreneurship, when they give advice on further earnings. Why do you rule out the moment that I'm just the type of traveling plankton? :)

The content of the article

Traveling plankton

Hmm ... Traveling plankton? This is the term that came to mind. Indeed, you sit at home, work yourself calmly, and you want it to be so in the future. That is, there are no more ideas for increasing turnover and profits, there is no keen desire to earn as much dough as possible at any cost, cunning monetization schemes do not come to mind, no experiments are made. You just do your job, live it and think in terms of it. Probably, everything is the same as in office plankton, who I was also once. I did projects for communications of houses and, in general, did not bode well for anything new every day, only the equipment changed, and the technology.

Now I am an ordinary office plankton, only home and a little geographically moving, and therefore traveling. You can also call freelance plankton. By the way, it turns out, «domestic plankton» quite a well-established term for housewives. I found out while the post was writing.

Plankton remains plankton from a change of scenery

Plankton remains plankton from a change of scenery

You can become a blogger by accident

I have a feeling that this is just a coincidence, luck. It's just that several factors have developed at a single point in space and time. There was a man who was potentially ready to rivet content and travel periodically. He knew about blogs earlier and even tried to start LJ, but the matter did not argue, there was no topic for writing, and there was no motivation either. He was once told that if you do this and that, there will be many topics, and even almost earnings on a hobby will happen, on travel. By this point in time, the world had prepared various tools for making money, ranging from the simplest website creation to various advertising platforms. In addition, such content became in demand by society and it was no longer necessary to skillfully build beautiful images, weave rhymes, know to yourself describe what you see around in the form of a structural text. As they say, what I see is what I sing. Great!

Imagine a person with the same capabilities, who was born 50 years earlier, when there were no sites, nothing would work, because only a few are suitable for writers, since blogging is not at all like him. Or who was born a little later, when blogs have sunk into oblivion, it is also unlikely that it would have come out. We are truly living in an amazing time, so many skills can be used.

In the comments, they always offer me a business of pure water, although I only manage to write along the way. Moreover, it is desirable in the format of a personal blog, since custom-made copyright is still a torment with less income. Yes, no one argues, you can create websites, buy / sell real estate, you can raise some services, but all this is not related to writing texts and travel, all this is either work or business. Therefore, by and large, then there is no difference what to do, everything from scratch and without ready-made skills, and also without a guarantee that at least something will come of it, because everyone's abilities are different.


So that's the question. Isn't it worth it to be such a traveling / domestic plankton? Indeed, in fact, most of us are such, they do not have enough stars from the sky, they do not own Facebook. Why, when it comes to office plankton, no one doubts its normalcy? He doesn’t say that it’s good for you to be an engineer, become by all means a director of a company, invest, stir up a startup ... But when you talk about bloggers, you need to expand right away, not put eggs in one pot, own a dozen sites, etc.? :)

P.S. Stereotypes? Or are all bloggers necessarily entrepreneurs? Or, on the contrary, is a blogger such an unstable profession? True, I am interested in your opinion.