Unique Volkonsky dolmen in Lazarevskoye - photos and how to get there

One of the most interesting periods in my life is connected with the Volkonsky dolmen. Then, for example, I lived in a tent for 3 months, and generally changed the direction of his life and professional activity. Dolmen has absolutely nothing to do with it, but when I find myself in such places, nostalgia and memories roll over me like a wave. So it was this time when I came to him, already completely different, not at all like who I was in our previous meeting..

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Volkonsky dolmen

It so happened that I drew a small trip along the Black Sea coast, And since I have long wanted to take normal photographs of the Volkonsky dolmen, and just walk along the beautiful Volkonsky gorge, then, of course, I taxied to it. Fortunately, the parking is located next to the highway, in any case I passed it, and it’s very close to go there..

Morning, just after the rain. The sun has just broken through the trees, the gorge, the sun comes here later than on the coast. A little fog. Everything is wet around and from that bright, bright, such a deep saturated green around. Slippery. The air temperature is pleasant, cool, but warm when driving, just for walking. There is a massive dolmen, a giant, carved into the rock. It is unique, there are no others like this on the coast, so that it was made entirely of a piece of rock. And there are only a few of them in the world. Imagine, someone has spent a decent amount of time, and with some unclear purpose to us created this structure. Scientists have not come to a consensus on what they were built for, and almost every year a new version is put forward..

Parking Volkonosky dolmen near the highway

Route scheme, only 600 meters

The road from the parking lot to the dolmen

Volkonsky dolmen

What are dolmens

Not recommended, but you can climb the dolmen itself

Someone is sleeping inside

Design for ribbon lovers, dolmen in the background

If you try to plunge into the atmosphere of the place, then you can dream up a lot of things for yourself, communicate with the dolmen and its spirit, communicate with your inner self, turn to God and to higher powers, depending on what and in whom you believe, and whether you believe at all.

I thought that I would not meet anyone, but one of the souvenir shops was getting ready for the opening. It's strange, it's already October, the season is over, is it possible that someone is coming, and besides, at 8 in the morning. Then he met his grandfather, he came to fetch water to a hydrogen sulphide spring. He said that earlier all the locals drank this water without restrictions, but now they have placed signs everywhere that, they say, you can't drink it often, you have to dose it. It tastes like stale eggs, every day I would definitely not drink it, but it's worth trying it once, you will know what it is. It looks like water, but the receptors say that eggs.

Hydrogen sulfide source and warning label

You can go further along the gorge. At the end of the path you will see two stones «Two brothers», leaning against each other. Nothing fancy, but walking in the woods for 5-10 minutes is good for your health. In addition, the path itself is beautiful, roots underfoot, stones, a small cliff.

Let's go further

Path along the gorge, solid roots

Volkonskoe gorge

Bridge across the river

Correct signs, but does anyone pay attention

Two brothers

Rock Two Brothers

The tradition of supporting stones with sticks came to us from abroad


Information to visit

What else to see in Lazarevskoye and its surroundings

Entrance is 100 rubles, children under 10 are free. If you come in the morning before 8-9 in the morning and in the evening after 18 hours, then you can usually go for free.

It takes no more than 1 hour to visit the dolmen and rocks. And if you just go to look at the dolmen and go back to the parking lot, then 20-30 minutes will be enough.

Map and how to get there

If you are by car, it is very easy to get there. Drive along the highway until you see a large sign «Volkonsky dolmen», this is a parking lot. On the map below you can see where it is located, almost immediately after Lazarevsky, if you go towards Sochi.

You can also get by public transport, the easiest way is by train, you need to get off at the Volkonskaya station, it is the second in a row after Lazarevsky. And then go on foot up the village, there is one main road. There will be a couple of forks, but ask any local where the dolmen is, he will show you. It takes about 20 minutes to walk from the railway station.

Volkonsky dolmen

Volkonsky dolmen
Monolith. One of the few surviving dolmens carved entirely into the rock. Nearby there is a hydrogen sulphide spring and a beautiful gorge with the Dva Brothers rock. Read more about the dolmen.

Monolith. One of the few surviving dolmens carved entirely into the rock. Nearby there is a hydrogen sulphide spring and a beautiful gorge with the Dva Brothers rock. Read more about the dolmen.