Visa-free countries for Russian citizens on the map
It turns out that there are a lot of visa-free countries for Russian citizens. And if there is no possibility for some reason to get a visa to a visa country, then it is quite possible to find a decent alternative. If you wish, you can travel around almost the whole world for visa-free countries.
There are about 60 visa-free countries for Russian citizens. Some of them are quite far from Russia. Some countries can be reached without a visa only in transit, in others for a limited number of hours / days. But how can this be a hindrance for travelers. By the way, information appeared on the Internet that it would be possible to enter the European Union without a visa..
The number of countries where visas can be obtained at the border, upon entry, is about 50. Agree, in total it turns out about 110 countries where you can find yourself without additional preparation, and having only a passport. I am sure that this amount will be enough for many years of travel..
Visa-free countries for Russians 2012 - here is a constantly updated list of countries (without a map) where a visa is not needed, or which is obtained at the border.
Visa-free countries for Russian citizens on the map:

Visa-free countries for citizens of the Russian Federation. Click on the image to upload a large picture in size 4000x200 (500Kb).
Visa-free countries for citizens of the Russian Federation are marked in light green on the map.
Dark green - countries where a visa can be obtained at the border.
Countries where it is easy to get a visa in the Russian Federation are marked in yellow on the map.
Visa-free countries are marked in gray on the map.
In blue - other countries.
The information on the map is current as of April 2009. Therefore, check with the embassies for the latest changes, or by the link above, there is a post that I constantly update, although it may also contain inaccuracies.