We returned to Moscow and left to live in the village
We waited for the last-minute tickets to Russia to appear and now this moment has come. Such tickets usually mean departure in the coming days, this time it turned out the same. In just a couple of days we packed up and flew to Russia.
The first emotions - God, how cold, it was still necessary to fly in May. Live at 30 degrees for six months, and now return to +5. Second emotions - how gray and gloomy everything is, maybe back while the airport is still near?
To live in a village
We are not hostages to circumstances, we ourselves have made such a decision to return, this is our conscious choice. So now get used to it and accept. Why are we back? We have long wanted to live in a village instead of a city, to understand what it means to live in nature far from civilization. Fortunately, the Russian summer suits us perfectly for such checks. And after that, we will be able to understand exactly whether we want to return to Thailand for a longer period or not..
We found ourselves a house for the summer in the Tula region, not far from Efremov, and we plan to spend the summer there. Now I am writing these lines via the mobile Internet and hope that a little later I will set up a satellite one for myself so that I can continue to work normally..

The road home

Our house is outside

Getting ready to go outside
On the porch of our house
Happy April, 1!
Yes Yes. It was an April Fools' rally! Sorry, I could not resist))
If you haven't guessed yet, we are still in Thailand now, and we read your comments from our home in Phuket. Yes, we will return to the Russian Federation, but it will be a little later..
Why a village? Yes, because I have no photos of spring Moscow in order to post them here. But on the other hand, there are photographs from different trips to the regions - Tula, Oryol ... I did not have time to ask my friends to take several photos, since the idea of the post came spontaneously and the day before.
P.S. Something like that. For the first time in my life I tried to play a prank on someone (as a child, switching the water to the «shower», but not «tap», does not count).