Tours to Suzdal (Russia). Rest in Suzdal: photos, tours
Tours to Suzdal

The first written mention of Suzdal is found in the annals of 1024, but the city itself was founded much earlier. In the XII century, the center of the Rostov-Suzdal principality was located here, and then Andrei Bogolyubsky moved the capital here from Vladimir. Since then, Tatars and Poles have attacked the city, fires and epidemics have tried to destroy it, but Suzdal has always survived and remained a symbol of Russian culture and one of the most important historical cities. Tours to Suzdal can be made as part of an organized trip along the Golden Ring or go there on your own.
Briefly about the important
- Suzdal is a very tourist place. Hundreds of guests stay here every day, and therefore the prices for accommodation and souvenirs in the city may seem inhumane. It is best to stay overnight in Vladimir, where there are also quite budget hotels..
- You can get to Suzdal from the capital by bus or train. Having reached Vladimir, you will have to change to a taxi, minibus or other road transport. The distance to the regional center is about 25 km.
- Suzdal is a city-museum, and in 1992 its white-stone architectural landmarks were added to the UNESCO World Heritage List.
- For fans of interesting holidays, the people of Suzdal organize the Cucumber Festival on the second Saturday in July. This event, like the Russian Bath Festival, can be visited as part of a tour to Suzdal.
- Souvenirs in Suzdal are sold everywhere. The most traditional are felt boots with embroidery and painting, hand-knitted socks and hats with folk ornaments, quilted vests with fur and the invariable mead. The favorite drink in Russia is produced here by a whole plant.
- The souvenir shop in the city produces a huge assortment of inexpensive handicrafts made of clay and birch bark, wood and stone.
Church of the Intercession on the Nerl
This church, according to many world-famous architects, is the pinnacle of temple architecture in Russia. The Church of the Intercession on the Nerl is located near Suzdal. It was built by Prince Andrey Bogolyubsky in memory of his deceased son in the middle of the 12th century. Historians believe that this is the first Church of the Intercession in Russia.
The temple is located in a unique place in the center of a flood meadow, which the water of the Nerl River completely covers during the flood period. In the spring, the church appears as if in the middle of a huge mirror, which reflects its dome and white-stone walls. In the temple you can buy consecrated icons and listen to the service.