How long to fly from Norilsk to Moscow?
In Norilsk you managed to see a memorial monument “Black Tulip”, Norilsk Golgotha and Nurd-Kamal Mosque, have fun in the nightclubs “Garage” and “Tornado”, admire the northern lights, go to a mountain gorge “Red stones”, visit the First House of Norilsk and the Norilsk Polar Drama Theater, spend time in the cultural and entertainment center “Europe” and paintball club “Northern bastion”? And now you would like to get acquainted with the details related to the return flight to Moscow?
How long to fly from Norilsk to Moscow (direct flight)?
2800 km is the distance from Norilsk to Moscow, i.e. your flight will take approximately 4.5 hours. So, on board aircraft belonging to “Nord Star” you will spend 4 hours 25 minutes, and “S7” - 4 hours 40 minutes.
If you are interested in finding out the cost of Norilsk-Moscow air tickets, put in 10,900-17,200 rubles for this expense item (the most attractive prices are held in September, April and October).
Flight Norilsk-Moscow with transfers
Connecting flights involve transfers in Adler, Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Yekaterinburg, Rostov-on-Don and other cities. If the main air carrier is “Taimyr”, you will be offered to fly to Moscow with transfers in Krasnoyarsk (the whole journey will take 8 hours, waiting for the docking - 9.5 hours), Novosibirsk (you will find yourself at home after 16.5 hours, of which the wait will be 8.5 hours). If you want to fly with “Utair” through Ufa, then you will return home after 13 hours, and through Rostov-on-Don - after 28.5 hours (waiting for the docking will be 18 hours).
Which airline to choose?
Airplanes (Aerospatiale ATR 72, Boeing 737-500 pax, Airbus A 321) of the following air carriers fly in the direction you need: “Taimyr Airlines”; “Nard star”; “S7”; “Ural Airlines”.
The Norilsk-Moscow flight is serviced by Alykel Airport (NSK), 50 km away from the city. For a comfortable pastime of travelers, there are restaurants, waiting rooms, a room for resting mothers and children. In addition, the airport provides a range of services for people whose opportunities are limited (there are toilet rooms equipped for them, conditions have been created for moving in wheelchairs, as well as for checking in for a flight and on board an aircraft out of turn), bank branches, a post office , a health center (services are provided free of charge) and a temple (located at the station square).
What to do with yourself on the plane?
During the flight, you can take a nap, read literature and decide who to please with gifts bought in Norilsk in the form of dried venison, stone products, deer figurines, amulets, dolls in national costumes.