Capital of Switzerland: map, photo. What is the capital of Switzerland?

Bern - the capital of Switzerland

Bern - the capital of Switzerland

The capital of Switzerland, Bern, is located in the western part of the country. Surprisingly, with the status of the capital, Bern is an extremely miniature town with a population of only 130 thousand people. Nevertheless, this city with its provincial charm and calm rhythm of life is one of the most beautiful capitals in Europe..

The city is surprisingly interesting, so there will be no special problems with drawing up an excursion route.

Botanical Garden

Here you can admire unique specimens of flora, among which there are «residents» tropical forests and cold spaces of Central Asia. The microclimate necessary for its existence has been completely recreated for each plant..

The garden was opened back in 1862. At the moment, it covers an area equal to two hectares. There are greenhouses with tropical crops, and rock gardens, where alpine plants feel great..

Dutch Tower

Its history begins in 1256, when it was erected as part of the city's defensive belt. But in 1530 it completely lost its original purpose, and for a long time served as a workshop for blacksmiths and gunsmiths..

This is not the first name of the tower. Until 1896 it was called the Smoking Tower. The fact is that smoking on the territory of the city was strictly prohibited. And to hide from prying eyes, the military gathered on the top floor of the building and smoked for their own pleasure..

Belfry Zeitglockenturm

It is a symbol of the capital and its main attraction. Dating back to the 12th century, it once served as the western gate of the city and at the same time served as a defensive tower. But the appearance of the building has undergone numerous changes. The astronomical clock belonging to Kaspar Brunner, which adorned the eastern façade of the tower in the 16th century, is in good working order to this day. The dial shows not only the time, but also the current day and month. In addition, they show the zodiac sign and the phase of the moon. The start of each hour is signaled by the crowing of a rooster, and residents can see fabulous figures.

Rose Garden

There is a huge rose garden on the site of the old city cemetery. More than 220 varieties of roses grow here. In addition, the garden is decorated with numerous representatives of irises and rhododendrons. During walks in the garden, a very beautiful view of the capital opens up.

Prison tower

The building was built in 1640. It was here that the western entrance to the city was once located. The tower is decorated with a beautiful clock with an embossed inscription «Bern's greatness». Almost until the end of the 19th century, it was used to keep prisoners, and then was given over to the premises of the city archive.

Bern - (Switzerland)
