Features of Great Britain - communication, cuisine, traditions

Features of Great Britain

Features of Great Britain

Every country in the world is unique ... Having decided to get to know the national characteristics of Great Britain, get ready for the fact that they are really diverse. This state of affairs is explained by the fact that Great Britain had colonies for a long time in different parts of the world..

History and architecture

Many British cities began their history in the first centuries of our era thanks to the ancient Romans. The sights of the UK continue to attract tourists from around the world, despite the fact that getting a visa is not so easy. The architecture is the embodiment of numerous styles - Romanesque, Anglo-Saxon, Gothic, Victorian, Classicism. Many castles, cathedrals, unique parks and gardens, mansions and estates have been preserved here..

English cuisine

There are various rumors and opinions all over the world about English cuisine. Studying its features, you can make sure that it is really tasty and has its own characteristics..

  • The British love mashed soups and broths. The kitchen contains beef, lamb, veal, pork. An important place is given to cod, smoked herring, as well as seafood - squid, lobster. Among the traditional dishes, it is necessary to note puddings, potato casseroles with lamb or ground beef, fish. Despite the discreet taste of the dishes, they are very tasty and satisfying..
  • Tea is a classic drink in England. It can be drunk up to six times a day. It is important to note that a certain type of tea corresponds to each time, and the British strive to observe the traditions of tea drinking even now, despite the high level of pace of life. Note that milk tea is a British invention.
  • What are the important traditional meals to celebrate? You can count on the first breakfast (breakfast), second breakfast or lunch (lunch), evening tea (five-o-clock), lunch (dinner), which falls on 18-20 hours.

Features of the mentality

The British are one of the most polite nations in the world. Invasion of privacy is still discouraged. Be prepared that condescension is not tolerated, and patient listening is not always consent. Avoid exchanging business cards, talking about Northern Ireland, finances, personal life.


  • Features of Great Britain
  • Features of Great Britain
  • Features of Great Britain