Season in Odessa. When is the holiday season in Odessa?

Season in Odessa

Season in Odessa

Odessa is the main Ukrainian port, and even an anchor is depicted on its flag and coat of arms. Odessa is located on the shores of the Black Sea bay of the same name, and its beaches and attractions, festivals and exhibitions annually become a center of attraction for thousands of travelers. For each season in Odessa begins in due time, because it all depends on the purpose of arrival and vacation preferences of the vacationer.

There is a city that I saw in a dream...

A huge number of architectural, historical and cultural sights have allowed UNESCO to mark the city in its preliminary lists of world heritage. Seeing the famous Odessa boulevards, the Potemkin Stairs and the building of the opera house is the minimum program for a sightseeing tour of the city, which is most pleasant to do in spring or autumn. At this time, the air temperature is kept in the region of +20 degrees, which allows you to walk along the Odessa streets for a long time, stop at its many cozy cafes to drink a cup of coffee, dine on Primorsky Boulevard in one of the local restaurants. The days in April-May and September-October are mostly sunny, and the rains are infrequent and short-lived..

By the Black Sea

An equally popular season for tourists in Odessa is the beach time. The mild continental local climate and the proximity of the sea help the local winters to be short and mild, while the rest of the seasons are warm and long. The very first vacationers appear on the Odessa beaches in early June, when the air warms up to a stable +25 degrees, and the water - to +20. The sea in the Odessa region is never too warm even at the height of summer, and its maximum temperature can be noted in the region of +25 degrees. The fresh and cool sea wave refreshes and makes it easier to endure the hottest hours on the beach, when even in the shade the thermometers show about +30.

Not a single beach

For those who prefer visiting theaters, concerts and festivals to any kind of vacation, Odessa offers a varied program that is interesting at any time of the year. For jazz fans, the season in Odessa is the September Jazz Carnival with the participation of world stars, and for bikers - an international gathering in June. Guests with a sense of humor laugh at themselves with pleasure on April Fool's Day, and fans of non-traditional music genres flock to the seaside town in mid-April for a festival of a European level and scale.


  • Season in Odessa