Cruises on the Dnieper. Boat cruises on the Dnieper

Dnipro cruises

Dnipro cruises

You can check if the Dnieper is so wonderful in calm weather, and you can get acquainted with the magnificent constellation of Ukrainian cities during one trip or vacation. At the same time, travelers are not threatened with the constant hassle of packing luggage, finding a hotel or buying tickets in endless queues at the railway ticket offices. We are talking about a wonderful form of recreation, which is gaining an increasing number of fans around the world - river cruises on comfortable motor ships. Cruises on the Dnieper introduce tourists to the most memorable and beautiful places in Ukraine, and the prices for them pleasantly surprise and allow you to spend a vacation with complete comfort and even luxury.

The river that gives life

The Dnieper at all times was of great economic and political importance for the peoples living on its banks. The fourth longest river in Europe served as part of the route "from the Varangians to the Greeks", connecting the territory of the Baltic with the Black Sea region.
Today the Dnieper is an important part of the country's modern shipping and a river, whose importance in the Ukrainian economy can hardly be overestimated..
All cruises on the Dnieper begin, as a rule, in Kiev - the capital of the country and one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. The capital of Ukraine, founded in the 9th century, was called the Mother of Russian cities. Today Kiev has hundreds of architectural sights, historical monuments, unique temples and interesting museums..
As the liner moves along the Dnieper, travelers get to know other cities of Ukraine located on the banks of the great river:

  • Kanev, associated with the life and work of Taras Shevchenko. Arkady Gaidar is buried here, and the city itself was founded by Yaroslav the Wise in the 11th century..
  • Kremenchuk, which appeared on the map of Ukraine in the 16th century as a defensive fortress.
  • Zaporozhye, where the Dneproges is located, and on the island of Khortytsya, the Zaporozhye Sich was born in the 16th century. The island of Cossack freemen demonstrates to the participants of cruises on the Dnieper a folklore show based on the legends of the Cossacks.
  • The Dnieper delta begins in Kherson, and the city itself is the cradle of the Black Sea Fleet. Founded by the decree of Catherine II, Kherson invites guests to visit numerous museum expositions and exhibitions.
  • You can talk about Odessa for hours, but it is better to see it, disembarking from a cruise ship. Tourists call the city Little Paris, and its inhabitants call their home nothing more than "a pearl by the sea".


  • Dnipro cruises