Railways of Ukraine - map, website, photo

Railways of Ukraine

Railways of Ukraine

Railway transport of Ukraine is represented by the organization Ukrzaliznytsia. For transportation, six railways are used, which received their designation even during the existence of the USSR.

The car fleet for passengers totals 7025 cars, and for cargo transportation - over 132,500. A significant part of passenger transportation is carried out by branded trains of increased comfort. Many trains are not inferior in speed to accelerated ones. At the same time, high-speed traffic on the railways of Ukraine is inferior to Western European countries.

Train fares are available for people with different income levels. You can find out the schedule and cost of tickets on the website uz.gov.ua. Today, online booking of tickets for Ukrainian trains is possible. This service is available on the website booking.uz.gov.ua. The network of six railways covers all areas of the country. There are 126 main railway stations and 1,666 stations on its territory..

Features of the railway system

The railway network of Ukraine is one of the most developed and densest in Europe. The length of the operational routes is approximately 22 thousand km. Only 42% of roads are electrified. The speed of movement of trains is significantly inferior to European criteria. The average speed of freight trains is 80 km / h. To move to European standards, Ukraine's railways must be modernized. Trans-European corridors pass through the Ukrainian territory, which complicates the role of the railway in the country.

Day trains compete with road transport domestically. Despite the popularity of trains, the railway system is in crisis. This is facilitated by the deterioration of the rolling stock. On the Dnieper and Donetsk roads, the average wear is about 200%. The wagon fleet is highly depreciated. Many wagons have been in use for over 28 years. New equipment is practically not purchased, and the existing ones are in a deplorable state. The canvas is also in poor technical condition. In May 2015, the administration of the organization "Ukrzaliznytsia" announced a technical default to creditors.

Passenger Transportation

For quite a long time, passenger rail transport was considered an unprofitable segment. His expenses were covered by freight. Passenger lines are currently a priority. Their volume is declining, but the administration sees the likelihood of increased profits in the context of reduced volume. It is planned to introduce a number of additional services for passengers: high-speed lines, improving the quality of service and information services.

Photos of trains and maps of railways of Ukraine

  • Railways of Ukraine