Travel to Brazil

Travel to Brazil

Travel to Brazil

A trip to Brazil - the country of carnivals, capoeiro and other exotics will be remembered for a very, very long time.

Public transport

The city transport system is represented by buses of rather colorful coloring. On most routes, the toll is fixed at about half the real.

It is customary to enter the bus through the back doors, but you need to leave the car through the front doors. Both the conductor and the driver can pay for the fare. The bus fleet is very outdated, and therefore buses travel slowly: the speed does not exceed 60 km / h.

There are buses in cities that serve exclusively coastal areas. In this case, payment is taken based on the kilometers traveled. Stopping on such routes is possible "on demand". Most of the cars have an air conditioning system.


Taxis can be found on the streets of any major city. You can order a car by calling by phone, catch it yourself, or entrust it to the hotel porter. The price for ten kilometers is approximately 1 real. But, nevertheless, it is best to discuss the price before boarding..

Most taxi drivers do not speak English, and to get to the place without incident, ask them to write the address for you on paper. Any person from the service staff can help with this..


There are subways in three cities: Rio de Janeiro; Sao Paulo; Recife.

All metro lines are quite short and include a maximum of two lines. But they are quite modern and, most importantly, clean. The subway starts working at six in the morning and ends at eleven in the evening. Sunday is a day off.

Air transport

Domestic flights connect almost all major cities. Both state (Varig) and private airlines are involved in air transportation. The planes are in fair condition and the service is also quite decent.

Railway transport

The country's railway network is hopelessly outdated, and therefore is mostly used for the transportation of goods. The total length of roads is 29,200 kilometers.

Passengers are transported only in a few directions. The longest route is from Belo Horizonte to Victoria.

Water transport

A fairly significant part of the transportation is taken by river and sea transport. In the Amazon region, it is boats, boats and simple motorboats that are the most common means of transportation..

Car rental

To rent a car, do not forget to bring an international driver's license and credit card with you. The rental office can be found near any major hotel and on the territory of the airport..
