Diving in Cuba - places, photos

Diving in Cuba

Diving in Cuba is primarily about diving in «Queen's Gardens» and on «Cayo Largo».

Queen's Gardens

This is exactly how, translated from Cuban, the name of the Jardines de la Reina archipelago sounds, the coral reef of which stretches for almost 121 kilometers. There are about 80 known dive sites that are perfectly protected not only from winds, but also sea currents..


Coral gardens appear already at a depth of 15 meters, and descend into the depths, forming a kind of canyons. The reefs are especially beautiful here. Nature spared no colors, creating underwater landscapes.

The local reefs have chosen silk sharks as their residence. They are so friendly to divers that they can be approached without fear of being bitten. Of course, these are not the only inhabitants of the reef. The majestically floating eagle rays and turtles do not pay attention to people, and flocks of horse mackerel and other little things always circle around with curiosity, observing uninvited guests.


This is one of the finest dive sites in Queen's Gardens. Farayon is a large coral rock, all dotted with tunnels. The length of such a tunnel reaches 30 meters.


This place belongs to the wall dive sites. The dive takes place along a sheer wall. The mountains created by corals are quite impressive in height and sometimes reach 40 meters. Vicente is an amazing place: despite such significant depths, visibility here reaches 30 meters.

In the coral mountains of Vicente, you can find completely unique black coral. In addition to the usual marine life, you can find a hammerhead shark here..

Coral Negro

This dive site is a completely safe dive site. The Coral Gardens begin at about 22 meters immersed in the clear waters of the Caribbean Sea. And as soon as you reach the bottom, you will surely be greeted by numerous reef sharks. These rather curious fish always accompany divers during their excursion along the bottom..

Here you can also admire the southern slope, sleeping peacefully on the snow-white sandy bottom. There are also parrot fish.

Cayo Largo

Cayo Largo is a place with pristine nature and twenty-seven kilometers of beaches covered with white sand. The local underwater landscapes are especially beautiful. Numerous coral reefs, like bridges, connect small underwater islands. Even the most sophisticated divers will be pleasantly surprised by the variety of colors and different shades of the underwater world.
