Kuala Lumpur Oceanarium - an amazing journey into the depths of the ocean
Aquaria KLCC Kuala Lumpur Oceanarium is one of the brightest and most interesting sights of this city. Maybe he caused me such delight, because, to my shame, I visited for the first time such an institution where huge fish and other sea inhabitants swim directly overhead and in some centimeters from you. But the very realization that the same meeting could have taken place under different circumstances, and at the same time we would not have been separated by thick glass, and frightened and delighted me at the same time. But it was not right away, let me tell you in order.
To begin with, we got lost and did not immediately find the successfully disguised entrance to the Oceanarium, as it turned out later, we managed to enter the building just from the wrong side. We bought tickets from pleasantly smiling girls in deer horns in honor of the new year and went to see.
Unfortunately, the battery on my camera was running low and I saved it for video, and Oleg's camera did not like too dark lighting, so there were not so many photos from this amazing place. The flash is convincingly asked not to use it, so as not to frighten the living creatures, and as I understand it, not to harm it. True, sadly, many neglect this request. It is not surprising why many inhabitants of the aquarium are huddled in the far corner of the aquarium and they cannot even always be seen..
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Oceanarium Kuala Lumpur
At the very beginning of the exposition there are several small pools, in which we found mating (if I understood correctly) large crabs, starfish and some kind of black «sea caterpillar», the size of a finger. These animals can be touched and held in hands without being pulled out of the water. I always thought that starfish are hard and stiff, but it turns out, after being on the hand for a bit, they begin to embrace it slightly, unobtrusively. I must say that this is even pleasant :) It is sad that despite the warning posters, people still pulled the animals out of the water. Maybe, of course, they can't read either Thai or English ...
Starfish covers hand
In a special aquarium, you can touch the mating animals
We saw many different inhabitants in the Oceanarium, both marine and freshwater, and reptiles, and even all kinds of spiders and scorpions. But only some of their most outstanding representatives were remembered especially strongly. There is a large aquarium, under which you can climb in and appear, as it were, in it, thrusting into the convex dome-shaped bottom. At first I thought that this was done simply to photograph the children, who from the outside look like they are inside an aquarium. But when I realized what the bottom was actually designed for, I climbed inside myself. It turns out that this large aquarium is home to adorable and too nimble otters to be noticed right away! And when these cute creatures swim up to the dome, you can watch them swimming and tumbling in the water right above you, around you, so close! An amazing sight! But these comrades are so fast that it is almost impossible to have time to capture them on a camera! It seems to me that we stood at this aquarium the longest. I would have got one at home! And in front of this aquarium there is a large poster calling for help to save these wonderful animals without buying products from their fur and skin and not polluting water bodies ...
Otters tumbling
It's great to watch them from the glass dome
Amazing otter acrobats
There is such a word «long-necked», but there is, it turns out, and such an animal! And you won't believe who it is! Turtle! Although small in size, it is simply impossible to pass by it calmly! Whoever was there, he, I think, immediately understands what kind of turtle I am talking about, it fascinates everyone. For the first time I saw a turtle with such a long neck and such extraordinary activity. With what zeal she beat the water with all her paws and wriggled her neck! Just some kind of turtle dance! There was a feeling that she was trying in vain to get out of the water (I hope this is not so, otherwise it is no longer funny, but sad).
Long-necked turtle with a snake-muzzle
Long-necked turtle in its wondrous dance
Another particularly memorable place is a low aquarium with slopes open from above. There were, besides them, some fish, and even, it seems, a dwarf shark swam (experts, do not throw stones at me!) vertical glass or the wall of the aquarium up, almost touching its «nose» curious faces leaning towards him!
The same slope climbing the wall
The same slope climbing glass
And in the same aquarium, a funny fish with bulging eyes swam, almost half protruding out of the water all the time.
Funny fish with bulging eyes
On each (or almost on every) aquarium there is a written clock when the inhabitant of this dwelling is fed, which is convenient if there is a desire to wait and watch how piranhas, for example, pounce on food (are they attacking?). But we didn't get to these feeding hours.
It seems that these cute creatures are piranhas
All visitors, especially children, enjoyed watching and just the daily life of the inhabitants of the Kuala Lupmur Oceanarium, and there were many of them and they are all very different.
One of the smallest crocodiles, as the sign said
Shaggy furry danger
Small elephant fish with a trunk
Eel, just a cyanotic eel
Animals in the Oceanarium are different
One of the large aquariums of the Oceanarium
Entrance to the lower floor of the Kuala Lumpur Oceanarium
Well, it is clear that the highlight of the program was that very long glass tunnel, above and around which huge stingrays, turtles and, most interestingly, sharks live. It was especially interesting to take a closer look at them after all this news about Sharm El Sheikh.
Entrance to the 90-meter tunnel
What you see is 30% smaller than its actual size
Jaws Embody at Kuala Lumpur Aquarium
I can't believe this mouth is real
They are hefty, these creatures ... And these huge teeth are not teeth bent inward, a huge twisted jaw, horror in general. Even behind the glass I didn't feel safe!
It's scary to touch them even through glass
But when you move away from them and watch various beautiful fish swimming around you, gracefully, as if a huge stingray flies over you, or a giant turtle swims busily, and you realize that you are, in fact, walking along the bottom of the ocean and you have a unique opportunity to observe from the inside what in fact a person is not given to observe ... And there arises some strange uncontrollable desire to reach out and touch at least the glass, which, in general, almost everyone does. I can describe all these delights for a long time. Probably, this place made such an impression on me, also because my element is water :)
I just want to touch
I just want to touch
Even such wonderful people swam through the tunnel «smiling» the creatures that we called ourselves «emoticons». They seem to be very friendly, maybe it's just because their mouth (it's hard to call it even a mouth) looks like a smile. This living creature loves to swim just on top of the tunnel, therefore, throwing your head back, you see how a smiling creature almost flies over you and so much fun from this!
Our favorite emoticon
And other living creatures stuck at the top of the glass for a long time did not move, providing an opportunity to see and capture themselves. Close up, she looks like an alien with her muzzle.
Alien is smiley's friend
We walked this tunnel several times back and forth, looking, studying, trying to realize where you are, what thickness of water is above us and who is around us. Well, and of course, to capture all these wonders of nature in digital, which is not so easy in the dark.
Giant turtle at Kuala Lumpur Aquarium
Moray eel at the Kuala Lumpur Oceanarium
A funny fish that lay in one place for more than an hour and brutally twisted its eyes
Tunnel at Kuala Lumpur Oceanarium
Tunnel at Kuala Lumpur Oceanarium
At the Kuala Lumpur Oceanarium
Useful information about the Kuala Lumpur Aquarium (Aquaria KLCC)
? This Kuala Lumpur landmark is located on the ground floor (Level C) of the Convention Center KL, next to Petronas towers. Entrance through the parking lot.
Main entrance to the Oceanarium in Kuala Lumpur
If you made a mistake and entered the exhibition center do not stand by, follow the signs.
Signs to the Oceanarium at the Exhibition Center
Information to visit
Tickets are purchased at the box office of the aquarium. Adult costs RM 69, children - RM 59.
Ticket prices for the Kuala Lumpur Oceanarium can be viewed on their official website