Long Beach on Phi Phi Don is a standard tourist beach

Long Beach in English means «long beach», although why it is long - I still do not understand. Tonsai and Lo Dalam much longer even visually. Long Beach is located on an inhabited island - Phi Phi Don (Phi Phi Lei is considered uninhabited).

The beach is located in the south of the island and is probably the closest beach to Phi Phi Town, where you can swim normally and fully. The only difference from other beaches, in my opinion, is its directness. Long Beach is the only one that does not have a graceful curve of the coastline - it is as straight as a stick. Beautiful, quiet, but completely ordinary tourist beach, without a highlight.

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Beach description

An ordinary tourist beach. Long Beach is about 650 meters long, with a strip of sand ranging from 10 to 25 meters wide on average. The sand is soft, medium grain, not flour, but still very pleasant. When it dries, it takes on a light yellow tint, but not white..

Around the center of the beach, many boats are constantly parked, which gradually reel in their fishing rods in the afternoon. They also stand in other parts of Long Beach, and it seems that the palisade of boats and the spider webs from their mooring lines are a common misfortune of all beaches on the Phi Phi Islands..

Opposite some resorts, the water area of ​​the beach is fenced off with ropes and floats, where boatmen cannot swim. It seems to be taking care of guests, but it looks somehow dull.

Entering the water, depth and waves

The slope of the coast in this part of Phi Phi Dona is noticeably steep, so the land goes under the water at such an angle that the depth grows quickly at high tide, after 5 meters it will be up to the neck.

At low tide, I did not see this beach, but I suppose that, like all beaches on the island of Phi Phi Don, it becomes less swimable, but not so much as not to go into the sea at all.

Because of the depth, waves occur here, therefore, in some places on Long Beach, stone breakwaters are built (there is a photo at the end of the post), which slightly spoil the overall aesthetics of the beach. The bottom is clean, but uneven: opposite Phi Phi Paradise Pearl Resort, and P.P. Blue Sky Resort Phi Phi stones under water very close to the shore.

Sun beds and shade

Many hotels have their own sun loungers, and only for their own - this is announced on the beach. But in some hotels you can rent a sun lounger for 100 baht..

The coast is teeming with vegetation, but the natural shade disappears after lunch and there are literally a couple of places on the public beach where you can hide under the trees, if you are not a guest of one of the resorts..

The resorts have their own forest plantations, but strangers are not allowed there even for money. In general, Long Beach is a purely resort town, with a host of beach amenities and pleasures that are available mostly for permanent residents..

Beach photo

Long Beach, Phi Phi Don Island


People who stay here purposefully give priority to beach holidays, while they always have the opportunity to get to more lively places on the island because boats run constantly. Also, I understand that some hotels have their own taxi boats..

Apart from hotels and cafes, restaurants, there is nothing else from the resorts. Instead of the second line, there is a forest and jungle. As far as I understand, everyone walks here along the coast. You can also walk along the road through the mountainous part of the island, but the path will be longer and more physical.

Near the beach, about a hundred meters from the shore, there is Shark Point - a reef where you can watch sharks. I don't know how often sharks appear there, but boats bring people there regularly..

Houses and hotels on the beach

The entire first line of Long Beach is occupied by resorts of different price categories and stars. On Long Beach, many tourists stay for a long time, only occasionally getting out by boat to Phi Phi Town or on excursions to the islands around. There are no private houses for rent here, as in the rest of Phi Phi Don.

Hotels, according to visitors' reviews, on average have a rating higher than on the same Tonsai or Lo Dalam. Of the most popular and rated hotels in Long Beach, I would recommend paying attention to Phi Phi The Beach Resort and Phi Phi Paradise Pearl Resort. The second one is even preferable because the best section of the beach with a clean bottom is located opposite it..

Using the link below, you will be taken to a general list of hotels around Phi Phi Don, but you click on the map icon and there you will already decide on accommodation options for Long Beach. The island is so small that Roomguru doesn't even try to divide hotels by beaches..

Hotels near Phi Phi>

Be sure to check for discounts or specials on the excellent Roomguru service. He will quickly and easily show you discounts in all existing booking systems. In Asia, for example, there are a lot of offers on Agoda.com, which are much more profitable than in the same hotels in the Booking.com system..

For the lazy, here are the direct links to the hotels listed above:

How to find the beach

On foot from Phi Phi Town, walk about 30 minutes, and get by boat - about five minutes. If you live in Phi Phi Town near the Phi Phi Andaman Resort, then it takes about 20 minutes to walk from it..

First, you walk along a street along the coast, bypassing a resort, a cafe, then you will need to walk a small piece of the beach, after which you will run into Arayaburi Resort, and a concrete path will go from it, which will soon turn into a path through the jungle.

You will climb, descend, climb over the roots, along the way you will encounter a couple of small beaches about ten meters each, then you will pass the Viking beach, which is so called due to the resort of the same name. Although the resort is loudly said.

In fact, this is a bungalow complex, but it looks very nice and authentic, everything is wooden, carved figures, and the beach is also good. Only the road there is not on foot every day. Almost immediately after Viking Resort you will find yourself in Long Beach. Boat cost one way from Thong Sai pier - 100 baht.

Beach Map

Long Beach Map

Long Beach Map: