Just yesterday I bought myself a new Canon 24-105L lens for 32,000 rubles. So heavy, big, so unusual. Finally now I can «throw away» your default cheap kit lens. About what kind of technique we have I already wrote here - What we film on the trip.
But I say all this not to boast (although I am really very happy and satisfied), but to show that even a simple travel blog can bring monetary benefits..
I started trying to monetize the blog somewhere in the fall, although I really only started doing this in the spring of this year. That is, about 8 months have passed since that moment, if we take the entire period. During this time until now, I have earned about 50 thousand rubles on it. Of course, many will say that this is not enough, but if a blog is a hobby and there is another main income, then for me this is not bad at all. This is certainly not our case, because we want to reach such a level that we can live only at the expense of our sites. But in reality, such a blog can be conducted simply in addition to work, it does not matter whether it is remote or office..
So, if I tried to earn more using standard blog methods (posts, articles, links), then I would be able to buy two lenses, at least. But I already wrote that I do not really like this type of earnings, I will not repeat myself, who is interested, here How much do we make from a travel blog and how.
In general, here is my purchase, the matter is small. A couple more similar lenses and another carcass, after which the whole epic with the renewal of photographic equipment can be completed. Or start a new circle 🙂
Update. By mid-autumn (that is, six months later), the technology update was completed - one more lens and a new carcass. I don't want to make a new circle yet, I think this set will be enough for a couple of years.
Our new Canon 24-105L lens