House upside down in Kabardinka (inverted) - photo, price, impression
If you find yourself in Kabardinka or somewhere nearby (you can safely go from Gelendzhik / Novorossiysk), and at the same time have never been in an overturned house, then you should go. It was my first house upside down in my life. Delight! Indeed, an unusual idea. And at the same time the attraction is quite «easy», I went in, was surprised, had fun while photographing, and that's it, no strains and boring excursions. True, the price for such a pleasure is not at all happy, and it grows from year to year..
The content of the article
Bringing Down the House
Probably, it is enough to visit the house upside down once to understand what it is (I was in such a Phuket). The second, third time will not be so interesting. Although it all depends, of course, on the imagination of the creators of such an attraction. I will be in Moscow, I will definitely go to a similar house to compare whether the same is there or not. I also know that there are upside-down houses only on the outside, but inside there everything is as usual and people live there. This house in Kabardinka is completely turned over.
There are only 5 rooms in the house upside down in Kabardinka: an entrance hall, a kitchen, a nursery, a bedroom and a bathroom. And in them, indeed, everything is upside down. If we then mirror any of the photos in the editor, then we get an ordinary house, no different from others. The pots of flowers on the windowsill, slippers, a vacuum cleaner, bottles of shampoo and detergent are upside down here, even the food in the refrigerator is upside down, not to mention the furniture. The house is quite small, so 10 minutes are enough to inspect it and take photos. At the entrance there is a stand with examples of how to take a photo. Traditionally, this is diving into the toilet, a saucepan on your head, hovering over the bed, and any other photo that can then be turned over. You can think of a lot of things, the main thing is to show your imagination. My something didn't turn on, I rather just wanted to show how it looks when visiting.

An upside-down house can be seen in the background.

House upside down in Kabardinka
Even the stroller was hung at the entrance
The hallway is upside down, and only the cars outside are reminiscent of reality
View from the kitchen to the hallway
The Upside Down Kitchen Is Real
Even in the fridge, upside-down plastic food
I'm in a house upside down in Kabardinka
One of the popular photos, with a saucepan on his head
Children's room
Upside down bedroom
Just a little more and I'll jump into bed
Upside down bathroom
Do you know what worried me in the first place when I saw pictures on the Internet and decided to go there? :) How are all these items attached to the ceiling. For some reason, no one paid attention to this in their reports. True, in reality everything turned out to be quite simple and trite: screws or glue. And along the way, one such bottle recently fell off, there was only a glue trace from it (on older photos everything is in place). It remains to be hoped that the refrigerator or bed will not collapse on someone's head in the same way..
The table is fixed with screws and brackets
The ladles are screwed to the wall with screws
Toilet lid casually glued
One of the bottles fell off, only a glue mark remained
Many people write that the head is a little dizzy in the upside-down house, and this is so. But not at all because everything is upside down, but because the floor is made with an inclination, it is he who «circling» head. That is, you are standing in a room, expecting that everything is even, parallel-perpendicular, but you are constantly being tilted to the side, and this gives rise to specific sensations. I am sure this was done on purpose, complements the illusion. The only strange thing is that they didn't write about gender on blogs either. Okay, here are some photos of the shape-shifters..
I fly over the bed
Now dive into the toilet
Pay attention to the jamb, there should not be such high thresholds
In general, it seems to me that this is a cool business. Having invested once (by the way, the interior decoration is very cheap from plastic lining), then you just earn until people lose interest. There is no need to service (only to clean up sometimes), the depreciation is small, most likely, you do not pay for a communal apartment. And the flow is good, I was in October, and there was one family after another in the house almost without a break. In the season, you will even have to wait, they let people in at most 10, so that they do not interfere with each other, and the time of stay is limited to 15 minutes.
Information to visit
What else to see in Kabardinka
What to see in Gelendzhik
Where to stay in Gelendzhik - a selection of hotels
During the season, the house is open all day, but if you come when there are already few vacationers, then it may well be closed. To watch it, you need to call and the owner must come and open it. It is better, probably, in advance, to call, otherwise suddenly he will not be near at all when you arrive.
The ticket price is 250 rubles per adult and 200 rubles per child (more expensive every year). Payment by cash only. Opening hours are not regulated.
There is a parking lot right next to the house. You can also park the car near the eternal flame, but the parking lot there is very small, there will definitely not be room there during the season.
House upside down and parking in front of it
Official site. It is strange that one phone number is indicated on it, and on a plate glued to the house, another - 8 967 666 9 444.
On the map
Address: Gelendzhi district, Kabardinka, Collective street, 81
Upside Down House Krasnodar
Upside Down House Krasnodar
The house is upside down, both outside and inside. It is located near the eternal flame in the center of the village. If you have never been to such houses, it is worth going.
More details
The house is upside down, both outside and inside. It is located near the eternal flame in the center of the village. If you have never been to such houses, it is worth going.