Cafe Parus in Adler - delicious, beautiful, expensive
Cafe «Sail» located on the Adler embankment, next to the Imereti port and directly opposite the ice palace «Large». That is, you immediately open three main options of this institution: a view of the sea (and sunsets), yachts on the horizon and parking for a bunch of places right at the doorstep of the cafe. The cafe itself is not located right next to the water, but this is normal for all coastal establishments in Sochi and Adler, where serious storms rage in autumn and winter. In general, when compared with the cafes of the central streets of Sochi and Adler, then «Sail» clear advantage in easy accessibility.
The content of the article
Cafe Parus
I wanted to start my review by stating that the prices in the Parus cafe in Adler were insane (as it seemed to me after paying the check), but after reviewing the menu again, later I realized that I was somewhat biased, and the prices were average for the hospital for institutions of this level. Although there is still a noticeable imbalance between the size of the price list and the size of the dish (in the photo you can see cheesecakes, if that.) But if we abstract from the financial component, in general I liked the interior of the restaurant and the quality of the chef's work. The place justifiably deserves its popularity, and people flock here, and this was noticeable even in the low season.
Cafe space «Sail» divided into three main areas: an enclosed area, a covered veranda and outdoor tables on the sand. In the cooler months of the year, at the tables outside, the staff turn on the gas burners, which are only useful for those sitting in the immediate vicinity. If you sit at the far end of the table, then you have to rely only on the blankets that the waiter brings. But all these inconveniences are somehow exotic, and therefore more pleasant than annoying. The main thing is that the waiter does not slow down with a blanket, as it was in my case. I had to repeat the request twice and, in the end, independently steal it from the next table..
The furniture in the restaurant is light, the same in all areas, mainly small tables and wicker chairs, which alternate with soft armchairs and sofas. Inside, the rooms are decorated in a futuristic style, made of metal frames with fabric stretched over them - apparently this was supposed to depict sails, but it looks more like some kind of alien city, well, or it just seemed to me that way. In any case, by the combination of pros and cons, a cafe «Sail» in Adler - one of the fit institutions of the resort and at least for a one-time visit «for check» it can be recommended. To eat, sit in a cozy atmosphere and watch the sunset, basking from the humming fire - quite a sea romance.

Cafe Parus in Adler
Cheesecakes for 390 rubles
Open air area
I ate for 1360 rubles for one. Mmm ... As I said, seems to be ok for this kind of restaurants, but overall a little expensive considering that I did not take alcohol and full meals. But the presentation is beautiful, as it should be in a restaurant.
Below is a check for you, you can ask the price.
Information to visit
The institution is open daily from 9 a.m. to 00 a.m..
Check-in side of Olympic Avenue. Parking near the cafe is huge and paid, but does not greatly increase the cost of visiting the restaurant. Just in case, across the street across the street (on the other side of Olympic Avenue there is another such parking, but already free. On it, even in high season, I always found a place, coming for a walk along the embankment. From the free parking (across the street from the cafe) go 5- 7 minutes.
There is a full-fledged children's playground.
If there are separate accounts for the company, then it is better to warn the waiter so as not to receive a pound of contempt and moralizing on the topic «it is necessary to warn». One of the unpleasant impressions of this place, by the way.
On the map
Cafe Parus
Cafe Parus
A freestanding restaurant with an interesting interior and magnificent sunset views. At night, they turn on gas burners for heating, and give out blankets. Very long service, average prices and boorish staff. But tasty, no argument.
More details.
A freestanding restaurant with an interesting interior and magnificent sunset views. At night, they turn on gas burners for heating, and give out blankets. Very long service, average prices and boorish staff. But tasty, no dispute..