The quickest way to quit smoking is our personal experience
The month of July is remarkable for me because it was at this time that I smoked my last cigarette. Exactly 8 years have passed since then and I have no regrets. In fact, I had no idea of sharing this experience with you, but just recently an insight came to me, which can be characterized by the phrase - «It's easy to get what we really want to do», and quitting smoking was the best example for me to confirm this.
A quick way to quit smoking - Oleg
Barely found a photo with a cigarette - the coast of the Gulf of Finland
I smoked for 7 years and smoked about a pack a day. Perhaps it will seem like a short time to someone, but I can say that this is enough to boost your health. I already had shortness of breath and cough in the morning. But what a thrill began about six months later (after I quit), when I began to smell! I remember walking down the street, and I just can't understand why it smells like oranges so much. It turns out that about 20 meters from me a man walks and drinks orange juice. The world started playing with new colors :) There are much more advantages, but I will not paint them, there is already enough propaganda.
So how do you do this? For me, the answer turned out to be very simple - you really need to want it. It's enough! Not to come up with why it is good for health, or for some other motivation, namely, to want to get rid of the habit, to want to stop doing it, to make the process stop being enjoyable.
It seems to me that many people cannot quit smoking just because they do not really want to. It seems to be necessary, but it seems that I also like it. As a former smoker, I can say that the pictures of black lungs or the statistics of cancerous tumors did not affect me, since I liked, as well as many, the very process of letting out smoke, the process itself «sit and smoke». But when I really wanted to quit, the result was not long in coming - I quit smoking in one day. And I can't say that it was wildly difficult, everything turned out by itself. Although I tried several times up to this point, it was unsuccessful, since there was no good reason.
So, in my experience, it's enough just to want, and in fact, this is the most difficult thing ... However, this is not only with smoking, but in general with a lot in life - even with travel.
A quick way to quit smoking - Daria
Crazy youth in France
Yes, yes, I also smoked before, and not only Oleg, and also for 7 years. True, we were not familiar then and smoked and quit separately, not knowing about each other. And, by the way, my way of getting rid of this addiction is completely different, since I did not manage to do it all in one day, but I did not set myself such a task. I'll tell you in order.
Of course, I thought that smoking is harmful, but I always drove these thoughts away from myself. Until one day my friend (a student of the medical institute) invited me to some special office, ala Kunst-Kamera, where I saw disfigured babies in flasks with signatures stating how much their parents drank and smoked. This was the first serious call.
And one day, at a difficult moment in my life, I had an impulse to change my life and, in particular, to quit smoking. In order to deceive myself a little, I did not make a final and irrevocable decision, but simply decided to try not to smoke for 1-2-3 days on an increasing basis, announcing to myself a bonus in the form of the opportunity to smoke, if it turns out to comply with this rule. That is, I did not tell myself «I throw», I was just checking how long I could survive without a cigarette. Downward «doses» it took about two weeks until zero, after which I realized that, in principle, you can live like this.
P.S. Quit smoking, it's not fashionable! Ayda better to travel with us :)