Holidays in Sharm el-Sheikh: walks, snorkeling and all that.
Unexpectedly for ourselves, we decided to try a vacation in Sharm el-Sheikh in Egypt. We bought a hot tour and flew away after 2 days. I am not a fan of beach holidays at all, but the desire for warmth for modest money took over. And he promised his wife a similar trip for a long time. True, we were not going to warm the belly all week, but intended to climb on Mount Moses in Egypt (it's almost trekking!) and visit Giza and her ancient pyramids and the Great Sphinx.
The first shock I caught was when I got off the plane in Egypt. In Moscow it was -5, and here, after 4 hours of flight, it was +25 at once. It seems like nothing special, but when you live all winter with thoughts about when summer will come, then the roof can go with such a jump in temperature. If you go in the middle of winter and for a few days, then the rest in Sharm el-Sheikh fully justifies itself..

Egypt. Sharm El Sheikh from the plane.

Streets of Sharm el-Sheikh.
Sharm el-Sheikh is a pleasant resort town, somewhat reminiscent of our Caucasus. Continuous hotels, and small shops, located on three lines - the closer to the sea, the more expensive and stellar. In between the lines, pieces of desert.
Sharm El Sheikh. Near the hotel.
Our hotel was called Cleopatra, did not shine with stars, and was located on the second line. Despite this, I was very pleased. And food, and room, and location. This is what the reviews on the Internet mean, they did not deceive. Even if spending the entire vacation in Sharm el-Sheikh, it would be suitable, although this is not our case.

Egypt. Sharm El Sheikh. Cleopatra Hotel.
There is such a traditional dance in Egypt - a man twists his skirts. And it seemed to be something special, but when I saw, I understood the poor fellow: for 40 minutes he rotated on its axis, spinning 2-3 skirts with different parts of the body. Interestingly, the head does not spin after that? By the way, there is such a method of healing in the East - to twist energy vortices, rotating around its axis. I wonder if there is a connection ...
Hotel animators.
The beach was 10 minutes walk in total. As I understand it, this is a rarity for cheap hotels. Mostly they are carried on small hotel buses, which rarely run, and according to the principle of who managed to get in (you cannot stand). At the same time, our beach turned out, as I understand it, very, very good for the first vacation in Sharm el-Sheikh, although it was paid. Free, they say, much poorer in the wealth of the underwater world.
Rest in Sharm El Sheikh. Beach.
Writing an article for a blog
Most of the beaches in Sharm el-Sheikh are steep, without the usual shore with entry into the water, so pontoons or bridges are made, 5 meters passed and there is already an abyss under you.
Rest in Sharm El Sheikh. Descent to the sea.
The Red Sea is something! How I will now swim in the Black Sea, I don’t know. Fantastic bluish-green clear water, colorful corals, motley schools of acid-colored fish, a very rich underwater world. I saw a stingray and a moray eel, brr, monsters. I realized what snorkeling is, and I didn't even want to scuba dive. Memorize this word «snorkeling»! Yes, you only need to buy a normal mask in advance.
Snorkeling - swimming with a mask and snorkel on the surface of the water. Unfortunately, on the Black Sea you can fall asleep doing snorkeling - boring things. Eh, now the sea will be associated only with a vacation in Sharm el-Sheikh.
Rest in Sharm El Sheikh. Red sea.
What else does a vacation in Sharm El Sheikh include? Right! Bars, cafes and discos. But I won't tell you much about them, since I'm not a party-goer. You can wander into IL Mercato - this is such a street, in a European style, with shops and cafes.
Sharm El Sheikh. IL Mercato.
And go to the entertainment complex 1001 nights. The performances there are boring, for the money they ask (it's better to take a walk inside for free during the day). But there are 1001 shops nearby, full of millions of souvenirs and other equally useful dust collectors.
Sharm El Sheikh. Complex 1001 nights. Market.
Shop in Sharm El Sheikh. Egypt.
But the return was excruciating breaking. From warmth to cold, from sun to clouds, from color to gray. It's good where it's warm!
Sunset in Sharm El Sheikh. Egypt.
Yes, and finally, a banal photo with a goose, found in all stories about a vacation in Sharm el-Sheikh or Hurghada. I didn't hold back ...
Just a goose.
By the way, they sculpted geese for us according to their mood, and oddly enough in those days when they did not leave tips.